Project X is a proposed proton accelerator complex at Fermilab that would provide the particle physics world with powerful and sensitive tools to explore a new scientific frontier. This facility would provide particle beams to multiple experiments searching for rare and hard-to-detect phenomena that will further our understanding of fundamental physics.

Construction for Project X could begin in 2016 and be completed in 2021.

Learn more about the science questions that Project X aims to address. View the Project X accelerator complex site plan and scheme.

Fermilab at the Intensity Frontier

The proposed Project X is part of worldwide research at the intensity frontier.
Learn more

Intensity Frontier Workshop (November 2011)

Solving for X
A proposed new accelerator complex at Fermilab would open up the Intensity Frontier of particle physics.
Read more

Experiments with Project X

Scientific papers and reports


2012 Project X Physics Study

June 14-23, 2012 Project X Physics Study

The Project X Physics Study engaged theorists, experimenters, and accelerator scientists in establishing and documenting a comprehensive vision of the physics opportunities at Project X, and integrating these opportunities within a coherent plan for development of detector capabilities and the accelerator complex.
PX Performance by Stage 
Group photo

CMP2012 and CSS2013

CSS2013 October 11-13, 2012 and July 29-August 10, 2013

Community Planning Meeting 2012 and Community Summer Study 2013 - Latest news and Study groups


Last modified: 08/14/2012 |