Fermilab Business Services Section

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Fermilab Business Services Section

The Fermilab Library Welcomes You

News & Updates

Increased Online Access to Scientific Journals

We now have full online access to many Elsevier journals, including Physics Reports, Physics Letters B, and Nuclear Instruments and Methods A&B. We also have access to over 2000 other Elsevier journals from 1995 to the present. Elsevier High Energy Physics and Astronomy Collection.

eBooks Available at Library

View eBook titles! Search for eBooks by clicking here eBooks.

SciFinder Available

Fermilab has full online access to SciFinder  You can access it anywhere with a password account.  Contact library@fnal.gov to get your free account. SciFinder is produced by the American Chemical Society, growing out of their Chemical Abstracts product.  Subject areas include Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, and Physics.

Knovel ASM International Handbooks Online

Fermilab now has site wide access to the ASM Handbooks online through Knovel for Engineers.


Access to Scientific Journals at Fermilab

The Fermilab Library is responsible for providing access to scientific journals and articles needed by researchers here. The most common means of access is by site license for online access to major journals such as The Physical Review set, Science, Nature, The IEEE journals set, Optics InfoBase, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, and the Science Direct/Elsevier High Energy Physics and Astronomy Backfile, which includes articles up to 1995 in 20 prominent journals (more current articles are mainly available as preprints through Spires.) All told, we have site licenses to over 400 journals. READ MORE . . .


Want to Read Scientific Journals from Home?

Fermilab's scientific journal subscriptions give automatic site-wide online access. They are also accessible off-site by following these instructions: http://bss.fnal.gov/library/offsite.html.

Young-Kee Kim in the Fermilab Library