Steven J. Bogdalek – Special Agent in Charge

Steven J. Bogdalek was appointed to the position of Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Los Angeles Field Division in April 2012.

Mr. Bogdalek began his law enforcement career in 1987 as an ATF Special Agent in the Detroit Field Division. While in Detroit, he was assigned to an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). The task force was responsible for investigating and dismantling dozens of violent drug and firearm trafficking organizations on the east and west sides of Detroit.

In 1998, he was promoted to the Resident Agent in Charge of the ATF Field Office in Toledo, Ohio. In additional to leading a group of special agents in conducting criminal investigations of violent gang members, firearms traffickers and explosives investigations, he was instrumental in forging working relationships with state and local law enforcement, county prosecutors and the United States Attorney’s Office.

In 2000, Mr. Bogdalek was transferred to ATF Headquarters as the Branch Chief of the Firearms Enforcement Branch. While there, he directed branch staff to review and monitor significant firearms investigations for emerging criminal trends nationally and internationally. He had direct oversight of ATF programs that monitored illegal firearms trafficking investigations, interstate theft of firearms, the importation of machineguns and the administrative oversight of licensed federal firearms dealers. He worked directly with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, (NSSF), in developing and implementing the Don’t Lie for the Other Guy program which assists licensed firearms dealers in detecting and deterring the illegal purchase of firearms by straw purchasers.

In 2002, Mr. Bogdalek was promoted to the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the St. Paul Field Division, overseeing five criminal enforcement groups and one intelligence group in a three state area of responsibility. During his time there, his groups were instrumental in the investigation, arrest and conviction of numerous violent street gangs that have plagued the communities.

In 2008 he was appointed as the ATF On – Scene – Commander for the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. He worked jointly with the United States Secret Service and the federal Bureau of Investigation in the development and implementation of the Explosive device Mitigation plan to be used during the event.

Bogdalek is a native of Chicago. He played four years of football for Michigan State University and was selected to the All Big 10 team in 1986. During the 1986 National Football League draft he was selected by the Philadelphia Eagles as an offensive lineman. Bogdalek, his wife, and their four sons, look forward to becoming part of the ATF Los Angeles Field Division family.