United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Site Additions in 2001

See also New on Our Site for current additions.

December 21

Release 2 of NRC's redesigned Web site was deployed today. It includes top level pages of the sections concerned with our three major regulatory activities:

Within the reactor section, sections of high public interest include the NRC Regulatory Information Conference and information about Reactor License Renewal. This release also includes site search, Inspector General program information, and information for students and teachers. Release 3 will continue to build on the content currently available for Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste.

December 7

NRC Regulations (10 CFR) are now available.
ADAMS Installation Instructions and ADAMS Login Options have been revised.

December 3

Release 1 of NRC's redesigned Web site was deployed today. It includes two of our seven main sections: About NRC and the NRC Library. It also includes Site Help and selected material in other areas. We will gradually rebuild our site by issuing several releases. Release 2 will include the top level pages of three more main sections: Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Materials, and Radioactive Waste. Subsequent releases will complete these and the remaining sections.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012