Tri-Party Agreement
List of Approved Changes
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 
2009 2010 2011 2012 
M-45-12-01  01/23/2012  Delay of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) target dates M-045-91F-T01 and M-045-91G-T03 
P-09-11-01  01/26/2012  Modifications to Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) Section 9.4 Administrative Record 
M-15-11-06  02/03/2012  Submit Draft B, 200-IS-1 Operable Unit Pipeline System Waste Sites RFI/CMS/RI/FS Work Plan to Ecology, including a schedule of completion dates for majors tasks and deliverables. 
M-16-11-20  02/16/2012  Submit a Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan for 200-CW-5 and 200-PW-1/3/6 to EPA. 
M-15-11-07  02/23/2012  Submit Draft B, 200-SW-2 Radioactive Landfills Group Operable Unit RFI/CMS/RI/FS Work Plan to Ecology, including a schedule of completion dates for major tasks and deliverables. 
M-37-12-01  03/07/2012  Extend Interim Milestone M-037-03, "Submit Revised Closure Plans to support TSD closure for two (2) TSD Units: 216-B-3 Main Pond System, and 216-S-10 Pond and Ditch" due date to April 30, 2013. 
M-93-12-01  03/23/2012  Correction of Description of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) Interim Milestone M-093-22. 
M-45-12-02  03/28/2012  Clarification of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) Milestone M-045-84. 
M-45-12-03  03/28/2012  Clarification of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) Milestone M-045-85. 
C-12-02  05/09/2012  Addition of the 100-OL Operable Unit to the Tri-Party Agreement (TPA) Appendix C. 
M-15-12-02  05/09/2012  Establish a new milestone to develop a remedial investigation/feasibility study work plan to evaluate the 100-OL-1 Operable Unit. 
M-94-12-01  05/22/2012  Modification of Interim Milestone M-094-08 in the 300 Area to remove requirement for backfill at the 308 building 
M-45-12-04  06/21/2012  Revise Milestone M-045-92 to initiate vadose zone sampling & treatment testing and to defer further interim barrier work. 
M-83-12-01  07/18/2012  Establish a Target Date for Submitting Revision 0 of the PFP Complex Surveillance & Maintenance (S&M) Plan (DOE/RL-2011-59) Submitted for Milestone M-083-24. 
M-24-12-01  07/25/2012  Groundwater Protection, Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Priority List Update Through CY 2015, including a new TPA Interim Milestone and TPA Target date.