100% of your donations go to support our troops and are tax deductible.  Please note we are not affiliated with Operation Stars and Stripes in Lyons,Illinois.  We are incorporated in the State of Georgia and have been provided a 501(c)(3) designation from the Internal Revenue Service.   Click Here to verify our, or others' 501(c)(3) status with the IRS.  Please be sure to search under the exact name: Operation Stars & Stripes Inc. Marietta, GA


Click here to make a monetary donation now.

Click here to sponsor a care package now.

Critically Needed Items

We are getting low on these items needed for the troops:


Ø      Postage Stamps & Donations

Ø      Phone Cards

Ø      Black Ink Pens

Ø      Zip-lock Bags

Ø      Travel Games

Ø      Playing Cards

Ø      Sudokus & Word Searches

Ø      Current DVDs and CDs

Ø      Drink Mix On the Go

Ø      Single-serving Coffee

Ø      Single-serving Cocoa

Ø      Soft Prepackaged Cookies

Ø      Snack-sized Nuts

Ø      Snack-sized Dried Fruit

Ø      Slim Jims

Ø      Gum (No Mint)

Ø      Pocket Hand & Foot Warmers

Ø      Long, Thick Black Socks

Ø      Travel-sized Baby Wipes

Ø      Blistex & Carmex Lip Balm

Ø      Travel-sized Hand Sanitizer

Ø      African Americ Hair Products

Ø      Men's Razors


Current Projects

August 1 - November 15, 2008 – Operation Holiday Stockings - Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc. is accepting donations of items and stockings to be sent to our troops overseas. The holiday season is especially difficult for those away from their loved ones.  The holiday stockings are filled with most-needed items, in addition to snacks, games, books, etc.


No time for shopping for items?  We will do the shopping and mailing for you.  Please visit our online care package catalog link  to sponsor a care package for the troops!  If you prefer, you may call us with your care package requests or send them with a check to the address below.  Please make checks payable to Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc.  The value of the sponsored packages is equal to or greater than the donation amount requested.


 In addition to the above projects, Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc. accepts donations year round.  Please fill out our “Offer Support” form if you are interested in any of the above mentioned projects.  We will contact you shortly.


Please remember, the earlier you donate, the sooner we can get the packages to our troops overseas.  We appreciate as much time as you can give us to pack and ship the items.

Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc.
483 Old Canton Road, Suite 100
Marietta, Georgia

Quotes From Our Troops

Feb 20, 2008 – “These bags were the best. Most people, like myself, didn’t receive a valentines from anywhere else. So these were real special, the workmanship, second to none. Thank you very much for including my unit and myself on your list.”  Carolyn


Feb 23, 2008 – “We work alongside our NATO counterparts in Afghanistan, and it always comes as a surprise to them how much support the US troops receive from home. I believe that they are envious of the fact that complete strangers are willing to work so hard to make us feel so appreciated. Your organization shows the kindness and generosity that makes America such a unique and wonderful place.”  Kabul, Afghanistan


"We were overwhelmed by the support received.  You sent so many stockings over here that everybody in my command received a stocking, then any extras were passed out at the Christmas dinner.  The stockings were gone in no time.  People kept saying thank you and were very excited to receive a stocking.  You don't know the kind of impact you had on us over here.  We can never thank you enough for making our Christmas wonderful." -- Steve H.


To view more letters from troops supported by Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc., please click here.