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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

For Health Professionals

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FDA Expert Commentary and Interview Series on Medscape


As part of the continuing collaboration between FDA and Medscape disclaimer icon, a series of interviews and commentaries are available to communicate important safety information to clinicians. Featuring FDA experts, these original commentaries cover a wide range of topics related to FDA's multi-faceted mission of protecting and promoting the public health by ensuring the safety and quality of medical products such as drugs, foods, and medical devices.

The complete terms and framework of the partnership with Medscape are described in the Memorandum of Understanding.



 Elliot Cowan, PhD, Chief, Product Review Branch,  Division of Emerging and Transfusion Transmitted Diseases 

At-Home Rapid HIV Testing: An Interview With FDA
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Featuring Elliot Cowan, PhD, Chief, Product Review Branch, Division of Emerging and Transfusion Transmitted Diseases, FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

July 2012

FDA Expert Interview 

Statins: The Story Behind the Label Changes disclaimer icon 

Featuring Amy Egan, MD, MPH, Deputy Director for Safety,
Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products

March 2012

FDA Expert Interview

Simvastatin 80 mg: An FDA Expert Interview disclaimer icon

Featuring Amy Egan, MD, MPH, Deputy Director for Safety,
Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products

August 2011

Ticagrelor: The View From the FDA

Ticagrelor: The View From the FDA disclaimer icon

Featuring Norman Stockbridge, MD, PhD, Director,
Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products

July 2011

The Changes in Sunscreen Labeling

The Changes in Sunscreen Labeling disclaimer icon

Featuring Reynold Tan, PhD, Interdisciplinary Scientist,
Division of Nonprescription Regulation Development

July 2011


Video Programs 

Dr. Gregory Busse, Team Lead for Drug Safety Communication in the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research 

FDA Drug Safety Communications:
What You Need to Know When You Need to Know It 
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Featuring Dr. Gregory Busse, Team Lead for Drug Safety Communication in the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

July 2012

Dr. Gerald Dal Pan, Acting Director, FDA Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research  

A Short Tutorial on REMS: The FDA Perspective disclaimer icon 

Featuring Dr. Gerald Dal Pan, Acting Director, FDA Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

April 2012

Dr. Diane Mitchell, Assistant Director for Science in the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health

Repairing Pelvic Organ Prolapse: What's Best? disclaimer icon  

Featuring Dr. Diane Mitchell, Assistant Director for Science for FDAs Center for Devices and Radiological Health
April 2012

What To Do About Misleading Drug Ads FDA Expert Series on Medscape

What To Do About Misleading Drug Ads disclaimer icon 

Featuring Michael Sauers, Team Leader for FDAs Office of Prescription Drug Promotion in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
December 2011

The Problem with Drug Shortages

The Problem With Drug Shortages disclaimer icon

Featuring Jouhayna Saliba, PharmD, Senior Regulatory Program Manager for FDA's Drug Shortage Program in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
November 2011

Current and Future State of Drug-Eluting Stents thumbnail

Current and Future State of Drug-Eluting Stents disclaimer icon

Featuring Ashley Boam, BSE, MSBE, Chief of FDA's Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch, and Andrew Farb, MD, Medical Officer and Senior Reviewer in the Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch

October 2011

Surgical Fires: How They Start and How to Prevent Them

Surgical Fires: How They Start and How to Prevent Them disclaimer icon

Featuring Stephanie Joseph, FDA Biomedical Engineer, Center for Devices and Radiological Health and Dr. Kenneth Silverstein, Chair, Department of Anesthesiology and Medical Director, Perioperative Services at Christiana Care Health System

October 2011

•	FDA Commissioner: "Safety Science" Key to Drug Regulation

FDA Commissioner: "Safety Science" Key to Drug Regulation disclaimer icon

Featuring Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the FDA

February 2011

Food Recalls: FDA Takes Preventive Approach

Food Recalls: FDA Takes Preventive Approach disclaimer icon

Featuring Michael Taylor, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods

February 2011

Safe Use of Drugs Requires Reports From Clinicians

Safe Use of Drugs Requires Reports From Clinicians disclaimer icon

Karen Weiss, MD, MPH, Program Director for the FDA's Safe Use Initiative

February 2011

Are You Prescribing Unapproved Drugs?

Are You Prescribing Unapproved Drugs? disclaimer icon

Charles E. Lee, MD, Medical Officer in the Office of Compliance

March 2011


Continuing Education Programs

