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Configure AHLTA-T Inpatient Module


In addition to AHLTA-T configurations outlined in the Required Task section of Appendix G-2, Level I and II Outpatient EMR SOP, there are additional steps required to configure the AHLTA-T inpatient module for patient documentation. The following sections represent step-by-step procedures that are recommended for the ULA during MC4 system setup.

Configure Hospital Specialty Wards

  1. Click Hospital Setup from the Tools folder in the Folder List to display the Hospital Setup module.
  2. Click the Add icon on the Action bar or select the Add option from the Action pull-down menu. The Specialty Setup window opens.
  3. Choose the desired specialty from the Specialty drop-down list.
  4. Choose the desired location from the Location drop-down list. Ensure that the Open and Active check boxes are selected. If the desired location is not available from the drop-down list, click New Loc and enter the new location in the Add a New Location pop-up window. The new location can be labeled as desired, but it is recommended that the location be labeled according to the nursing unit of care (Intensive Care Unit [ICU] or Intensive Care Ward [ICW]).
  5. Enter the number of beds in the Number of Beds field.
  6. Complete the process by clicking OK. The Hospital Setup module displays with specialties added.

Configuring “Order Management” Module for: Pharmacy, Laboratory and Radiology

  1. Log in with an administrative account.
  2. Click Order Management in the Folder List.
  3. Click Change Selection.
  4. Click All My Clinics under Clinics.
  5. Click All For This Clinic under Providers.
  6. Click Today Minus under Dates (recommend going back up to 90 days).
  7. Choose the order type that pertains to the user’s functional area.
  8. Click Set Selection As Default.

NOTE: If the user is only involved in inpatient care, the Specialty/Location (Show Admitted patients(s) only) check box may be selected. However, if the user is responsible for outpatient PLX this option must be deselected, otherwise the user will not be able to view outpatient orders.

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