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Saturday, September 15, 2012


Publicizing PMF on Campus

Information given to students about the PMF Program should contain:

  1. The link to the PMF website (
  2. The application deadlines

1. Sample Campus Recruitment Language

The following is sample language colleges and universities may want to use in marketing the PMF Program to their graduate students:

Seeking Students for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program

Since 1977 the PMF Program has matched outstanding graduate students with exciting Federal opportunities.

This rigorous, two-year paid fellowship includes challenging assignments, potential for accelerated promotions, developmental assignments, and networking opportunities. Finalists appointed as PMFs are hired by Federal Agencies and engage in solving domestic and/or international issues in areas such as public administration, engineering, technology, science, criminal justice, health, and financial management, to name a few.

The PMF Program seeks eligible graduate students every year who want to make a difference through public service. For the PMF Class of 2012, students who complete a graduate degree (master's, law, or doctoral-level degree) during the 2011-2012 academic year (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2012) from a qualifying college or university are eligible for consideration.

The selection process for the Presidential Management Fellows Program consists of four parts

  1. Application
  2. On-line Assessment
  3. Assessment and Finalist Selection
  4. Agency Placement as a Fellow

More information about application and selection is available on the PMF website, at

2. Flyers for Academic Institutions

The PMF Program Office has prepared several flyers for colleges and universities to use in publicizing the PMF Program at their schools. These can be found under the Academia\Resources webpage. Please note the use of the PMF Program logo containing the Presidential Seal is heavily restricted. Any official Program materials containing the logo must be printed in full-color.

3. Presentation for Academic Institutions

In addition to the above, the PMF Program Office provides an MS PowerPoint presentation, as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, for schools to use for informational meetings about the PMF Program. Schools are encouraged to use this document in promoting the PMF Program. The file is updated annually to reflect the next PMF application cycle. This file can be found under the Academia\Resources webpage.

UPDATED: 09-01-2011