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Attorney pleads guilty in Houston to stealing $2.3 million from disabled vets

A 73-year-old attorney pleaded guilty in Houston federal district court Tuesday to conspiring with his wife to steal $2.3 million from 49 disabled veterans and then hiding the thefts by creating fake reports, imaginary bank accounts and filing a bogus income tax return.

Sep 5, 2012

VA investigators interview family of veteran whose room was monitored by covert camera

Department of Veterans Affairs investigators Tuesday interviewed the family of a brain-damaged veteran whose room was monitored by James A. Haley VA Medical Center officials using a camera disguised as a smoke detector.


Veterans Retraining Assistance Program For Unemployed Servicemembers Attracts Thousands

As Congress remains at a loggerheads over how to reform the nation's signature jobs training program, a new opportunity being offered only to unemployed veterans seems to have confirmed one thing: there is a desperate hunger for job training during one of the worst periods of extended unemployment since the Great Depression

Aug 31, 2012 | ABC WASHINGTON

Veteran's Medical Center removes benches

Johnny and George Saxton are sitting in the hot sun on a parking lot retaining wall outside of the Washington, D.C. Veteran's Medical Center. Their discomfort and difficulties have come after hospital administrators removed several benches in front of the building where these brothers and veterans used to sit.

Aug 31, 2012 | EXAMINER

Agencies resist Congress on conference spending data

Demands for a full accounting of federal conference costs are being rebuffed by agencies that can't or won't produce spending records sought by Congress.
