Jeffrey M. Trent Lectureship in Cancer Research

The 2006 Jeffrey M. Trent Lectureship in Cancer Research

Large-Scale Searches for Somatic Mutations in the Human Genome

Dr. Michael Stratton

The fourth annual Jeffrey M.Trent Lectureship in Cancer Research was held on Friday, October 20, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. Presented by Michael Stratton, Ph.D., the Head of the Cancer Genome Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, U.K. and Professor of Cancer Genetics at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, U.K., the lecture was presented at Lipsett Auditorium, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center, Building 10 on the NIH campus.

About the Lecturer

Dr. Stratton qualified in medicine at Oxford University and Guy's Hospital, London in 1982, trained as a histopathologist, and obtained a Ph.D. in the Molecular Biology of Cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research in 1989. His past work has mainly been directed towards the study of cancer susceptibility genes. He leads the group that mapped and identified the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2, and he has also mapped and/or identified susceptibility genes for skin, testicular, colorectal, thyroid, and childhood cancers.

Started in 2000, the Cancer Genome Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute aims to conduct high-throughput, systematic genome-wide searches for somatic mutations in human cancer in order to identify new cancer genes that might serve as new drug targets, to understand processes of mutagenesis in human cancers, and to reveal the role of genome structure in determining the distribution of abnormalities found in cancer genomes.

Learn more about Dr. Stratton's Researh []

About the Jeffrey M. Trent Lectureship in Cancer Research

Dr. Trent was the National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) founding Scientific Director, serving in this role for more than nine years. His leadership and vision was instrumental in establishing NHGRI's Division of Intramural Research as one of the premier research programs in the world devoted to genetics and genomics. In recognition of his significant contributions to the research environment at NIH, NHGRI established the annual Jeffrey M. Trent Lectureship in Cancer Research in 2003. This lecture is given by a prominent cancer researcher who brings the kind of energy, creativity and enthusiasm to cancer research that Dr. Trent has exemplified throughout his career.

For additional information:

Ms. Claire Kelso
Phone: (301) 435-5802

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Last Updated: March 23, 2012