United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Generic Communications

Related Information

Open Generic Communications lists potential generic issues that are safety significant, require technical resolution, and possibly require generic communication or action. Closed Generic Communications include generic communications that were closed since the previous quarterly status updates. The generic communications listed in these tables include bulletins, generic letters, regulatory issue summaries which replace administrative letters), and information notices.

Email List Server for Distribution of Generic Communications

Generic Communications are available for electronic distribution and can be obtained by subscribing to the list server. To subscribe or unsubscribe send an email to lyris@nrc.gov, no subject, and use one of the following commands in the message portion:

subscribe gc-nrr (first and last name)
unsubscribe gc-nrr (first and last name)

Transmittals to one or more classes of licensees:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 06, 2012