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Garrison Use of DCAM Better Prepares MEDLOG Team for Theater

January 27, 2011 posted by 1st Lt. Tawa Seabrook

When the 3rd Infantry Division initiated the garrison use of MC4 systems in 2009, I was excited about the decision. I had used DCAM on MC4 laptops to manage supplies while deployed to Iraq from 2007 to 2009. Returning to a paper-based system was a step backward. The "train as you fight" use of DCAM better prepared us for our current deployment.


During the installation of DCAM level 2 at Fort Stewart, Ga., we experienced problems connecting to the local hospital to submit orders. It turned out to be firewall issues. We experienced similar firewall issues when we arrived in theater earlier this year, but we eventually overcame them to successfully connect our DCAM 2 to our supplier.

We manage approximately 350 line items in the warehouse and process orders for roughly 400 line items each week. The use of DCAM has been invaluable. The multi-faceted program allows us to be more efficient and to provide better customer service. The location functionality improved our ability to manage our warehouse stock, while the reporting tools improved our class VIII quality control. Other useful aspects of the system include the ability to digitally track orders and determine the status of any item ordered via DCAM.

At the end of October, we received the latest version of DCAM. The updated software streamlined our processes. The ability to process mass receipts allows us to save time and increase productivity. We can now dedicate more time to other needs throughout the warehouse.

Today, we support multiple customers throughout Al Anbar Provence, Iraq. Within the past two months, we started to support customers outside of the brigade. These are smaller units, such as engineers and military police units. They don't submit many orders, but they still need medical supplies. Before we redeploy, I expect that we'll support more units. We encourage these units to use of DCAM 1 to improve the efficiency to manage supplies. Regardless if they submit their orders electronically or by paper, when they come to us with orders, we'll continue to manage their requests with DCAM.

1st Lt. Tawa Seabrook, Officer in Charge, 703rd Brigade Support Battalion, would like to thank Staff Sgt. Miguel Cruz, noncommissioned officer in charge, Logistics Technicians Spc. Roderick Ballard and Spc. Keithen Thompson, as well as Spc. Timothy Chung, medical maintenance technician, for their efforts.

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2 comments Comments (2)  Category: Iraq

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Good to see our Loggies getting up to speed in CONUS on what they'll use in theater.

February 1, 2011

well written

January 31, 2011

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