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Press Room


In the National Counterterrorism Center's Press Room you can browse through our press releases, interviews, relevant speeches and testimony, published reports, fact sheets, and the legislation behind the NCTC.

Press Releases / Statements


President Obama's statement on the resignation of Michael E. Leiter, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (9 June 2011)

President Barack Obama announced that Usama Bin Ladin was killed by U.S. forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan (1 May 2011)

Director Leiter names Andrew M. Liepman as new Principal Deputy Director at NCTC (24 May 2011)

National Security Medal Awarded to Former NCTC Director (22 January 2009)

NCTC Releases 2009 Counterterrorism Calendar (7 January 2009)




Remarks prepared for delivery to the Harvard Law School Heyman Fellowship Annual Dinner by the Honorable Matthew G. Olsen (11 October 2011)

US Counterterror Chief Says Europe Under Higher Terrorism Threat: Voice of America Interview with NCTC Director Michael Leiter (08/04/2008, text and video files)


Speeches and Testimony


Statement before the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security -- "The Evolving Terrorist Threat and the NCTC Mission" by Matthew G. Olsen, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (16 May 2012)

Hearing before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence U.S. House of Representatives (6 October 2011)

Statement for the Record Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Ten Years After 9/11: Are We Safer? (13 September 2011)

Transcript: The Evolving Terrorist Threat and the Importance of Intelligence to Protect the Homeland (7 September 2011)

Transcript: Hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the subject: "The Worldwide Threat" (16 February 2011)

Statement for the Record before the House Committee on Homeland Security on the subject: "Understanding the Homeland Threat Landscape - Considerations for the 112th Congress." (9 February 2011)  view transcript     watch video

Transcript: "The Changing Terrorist Threat and NCTC's Response" by the Hon. Michael E. Leiter to the Center for International and Strategic Studies (1 December 2010)

Statement for the Record before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on the subject: "Nine Years After 9/11: Confronting the Terrorist Threat to the Homeland." (22 September 2010)  view transcript

Transcript: Remarks by the Honorable Michael E. Leiter to the Aspen Institute (30 June 2010)

Statement for the Record before the Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives on Sharing and Analyzing Information to Prevent Terrorism. (24 March 2010)

On March 10, 2010 Deputy Director for Information Sharing and Knowledge Development, Mr. Russell Travers, testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on "The Lessons and Implications of the Christmas Day Attack: Watchlisting and Pre-Screening. (10 March 2010)

On January 27, 2010, the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Michael E. Leiter testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on "Flight 253: Learning Lessons from an Averted Tragedy." (27 January 2010)

Statement for the Record Before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Security, and Transportation:The State of Aviation Security - Is Our Current System Capable of Meeting the Threat? (20 January 2010)

Statement for the Record Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs: Intelligence Reform - The Lessons and Implications of the Christmas Day Attack (20 January 2010)




Executive Order 13354 National Counterterrorism Center (27 August 2004, PDF file, 28KB)
The Executive Order issued by the President of the United States to establish a National Counterterrorism Center.

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (17 December 2004, PDF file, 1.3MB)
An act to reform the Intelligence Community and the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government.



2009 Galileo Award Finalist
The Galileo Awards honor Intelligence Community officers who bring forward innovative ideas to address current challenges and help shape the future of the IC. One of the ideas recognized as a finalist this year was NCTC Deputy Director for Information Sharing and Knowledge Development Russ Travers' unclassified paper on "Information Sharing, Dot Connecting and Intelligence Failures: Revisiting Conventional Wisdom.”

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