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Mine Safety and Health Administration
30 CFR Parts 56, 57, and 66
Alcohol- and Drug-Free Mines: Policy, Prohibitions, Testing, Training, and Assistance

The proposed rule would replace the existing metal and non metal standards for the possession and use of intoxicating beverages and narcotics and establish a standard for all mines. The proposed rule would designate the substances that cannot be possessed on mine property or used while performing safety-sensitive job duties, except when used according to a valid prescription. Mine operators would be required to establish an alcohol- and drug-free mine program, which includes a written policy, employee education, supervisory training, alcohol- and drug-testing for miners that perform safety-sensitive job duties and their supervisors, and referrals to assistance for miners who violate the policy. The proposed rule would also require those who violate the prohibitions to be removed from the performance of safety-sensitive job duties until they complete the recommended treatment and their alcohol- and drug-free status is confirmed by a return-to-duty test.

Below are resources related to this rule making effort.
