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Redoubt Activity - Color Code GREEN : Alert Level NORMAL

Local time: March 01, 2013 1150 AKST (March 01, 2013 2050 UTC)

Redoubt Links
Other Links
Code Definitions
GREEN: Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state.

NORMAL: Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state.
More information on color/alert definitions
Color Code Timeline
Location of Redoubt volcano and other Cook Inlet volcanoes with respect to nearby cities and towns. (Click to view full-size image.)
Seismic station locations at Redoubt volcano. (Click to view full-size image.)
Selected Images
Before an eruption
Read the hazard report for Redoubt (2 MB PDF)
Read the USGS Ashfall Preparedness "Before an eruption" website

Useful Links
Economic disruptions by Redoubt volcano
National Weather Service - Redoubt Coordination Page

How to collect an ash sample for AVO

Report ashfall to AVO

Please report ashfall to us by email or phone (786-7497). We'd like to know your location, time, if the fall is light or heavy, and the current weather. It would help us if you collect a sample for us. Here are instructions.

Click to view larger images.
webicorder example
Stations available:
rsam image
REF_EHZ_AV - Seismic station REF, last 3 days, 6 hour average.

rsam image
REF_EHZ_AV - Seismic station REF, last 7 days, 10 minute average.

NOAA ARL Ash Trajectory Forecasts

These graphics depict a simulation of the direction and speed of potential ash cloud motion from Redoubt. IF a significant ash cloud were generated by the current eruption. It does not mean that such an ash cloud has been produced. These models are run every 6 hours independent of the current eruptive state of the volcano. Each colored line indicates the direction a cloud would travel at different altitudes (see key below map plot).

Here is how to convert from UTC to AKDT (Alaska Daylight Time):

0000 UTC= 4:00 PM AKDT on the previous day as UTC
0600 UTC= 10:00 PM AKDT on the previous day as UTC
1200 UTC= 4:00 AM AKDT on the same day as UTC
1800 UTC= 10:00 AM AKDT on the same day as UTC

Model output by NOAA ARL, please see http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/traj_alaska.html for more information.

URL: www.avo.alaska.edu/activity/Redoubt.php
Page modified: April 6, 2010 08:42
Contact Information: AVO Web Team

Receive volcano updates by email: USGS VNS