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Assess Yourself

Searching for a career that's right for you? An important first step is to assess your skills to help you make the right career choices.

Free Online Resources

O*NET Career Exploration Tools
Consider and plan your career options, preparation, and transitions more effectively. The self-directed career assessment tools available from the O*NET Resource Center will help you identify your work-related interests, what you consider important on the job and allow you to assess your abilities in order to explore those occupations that relate most closely to those attributes.

Skills Profiler
Identify your skills and find occupations related to those skills.

O*NET Skills Search
Find occupations based on your skills.

Employability Checkup
Get a snapshot of the likelihood that you can obtain employment for a specific occupation at your desired wage and location.


One-Stop Career Center
Locate a One-Stop Career Center near you that offers in-person jobseeker services.

Give us a call!
The Toll-Free Help Line provides a full range of basic information about workforce program services for workers and employers. Information is available in over 140 languages. Call 1-877-US2-JOBS, TTY: 1-877-889-5627