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There are so many different types of people and talent needed to make this country work. The industry of energy regulation is no exception. FERC needs a diverse set of skill sets and personalities to regulate the country's industry.

What interests you about energy? Maybe you would like to be an attorney or energy specialist. Perhaps the environment is something you would like to learn more about; studying ways to keep the environment safe and still provide all the energy this country needs to keep it running. It could be that Information Technology interests you. So many computer specialists at FERC work at designing and maintaining records systems that keep the public informed of the decisions made at FERC on a daily basis.

Whatever your interests, we encourage you to explore what we do. See what our staff has to say about their daily roles - In their own words

Visit our main Careers section.

Did You Know...
8-10% of the electricity produced in this country comes from hydropower.