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2012 Reporting Changes and Highlights

Safety and Security Setup form (S&S-10): Two changes

  1. New Modes added:
    • Hybrid Rail (YR)
    • Street Car Rail (SR)
    • Commuter Bus (CB)
    • Bus Rapid Transit (RB)
  2. Monorail (MO) and Automated Guideway (AG) have been combined into one mode, Monorail/Automated Guideway (MG).

CEO Certification form (S&S-20): No changes

Security Configuration form (S&S-30): No changes

Major Incident Report form (S&S-40): Two changes, form text edits and three clarifications

Two changes

  1. Added new System Security incident type: Other.
  2. Added “Transit vehicle: taxi” to the ‘Transit Vehicle Type’ options on the Non-rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.

Form text edits (no impact on reporting requirements or process):

  1. Changed “Number of Other Motor Vehicles Involved” to “Number of Motor Vehicles Involved” on Collision Event Information screens.
  2. Added “Transit Vehicle” in front of “Fuel Type (if applicable)” on Fire Event Details screen.
  3. Added “Transit” in front of “Collision type” on Ferryboat Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  4. Added “Transit” in front of “Vehicle action” on Non-Rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  5. Added “Transit Vehicle” in front of “Collision type” on Non-Rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  6. Added “Transit” in front of “Vehicle speed” on Non-Rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  7. Added “Other Motor Vehicle” in front of “Collision type” on Collision Other Motor Vehicle Involved screens.
  8. Added “Train” in front of “Collision type” on Rail Collision Rail Transit Train Involved screen.
  9. Changed “Bus stop” to “Bus or Service Stop” on Non-Rail Collision Event Information screen.
  10. Changed “Making a stop” to “Making a transit stop” on Non-Rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  11. Changed “Leaving a stop” to “Leaving a transit stop” on Non-Rail Collision Transit Vehicle Involved Information screen.
  12. Changed form name from “Person Information – Fatalities” to “Person Information – Fatality” on the Person Information – Fatality screen.
  13. Changed form name from “Person Information – Injuries” to “Person Information – Injury” on the Person Information – Injury screen.

Three clarifications

  1. Clarification on incident applicability.
  2. Clarification on sub-form navigation.
  3. Clarification on securement-related incidents.

Safety and Security Monthly Summary Report form (S&S-50): Form text edits and four clarifications

Form text edits (no impact on reporting requirements):

  1. Changed “Involved Parties” to “Injured Parties”

Four clarifications

  1. Clarification on incident applicability.
  2. Clarification on form navigation.
  3. Clarification on number of occurrences reportable for incidents involving multiple issues.
  4. Clarification on securement-related incidents.


Last updated: 01/04/2012

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