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Submit a Privacy Act Request

Authority for collecting information is contained in 5 U.S.C. 552, 18 U.S.C. § 1030, 50 U.S.C. § 402 note, Executive Orders 9397, 10450, 12333, 13292, and DoD Directive 5240.1. NSA's Blanket Routine Uses found at 58 Fed. Reg. 10,531 (1993) as well as the specific uses found in GNSA03, GNSA10, and GNSA15 apply to this information. The information collected via the web site is used to: 1) process employment applications from individuals who choose to submit their resumes through the NSA on-line resume process; 2) collect statistical data as to what information is of interest to the public; 3) provide information in response to requests for information; 4) assist the NSA in fulfillment of its foreign intelligence and information assurance mission.

A proper Privacy Act Request is one in which the individual seeks records on himself that are contained in a file retrievable by the individual's name or personal identifier. All Privacy Act Requests, to include amendment requests, must be submitted in writing, contain as much detail as possible to identify the information requested or amended, and contain the requester's signature (a digital signature is required for all on-line submissions).

Submitting a Privacy Act Request - There are three convenient ways to submit a Privacy Act request (no special forms are required). Regardless of your choice of submission, your signature is required.

By postal service or other commercial delivery to:
National Security Agency
Attn: FOIA/PA Office (DJ4)
9800 Savage Road, Suite 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

By facsimile to 443-479-3612
Privacy Act requests submitted by facsimile are limited to 20 pages and should be marked to the attention of the FOIA/PA Office.

By electronic e-mail complete with a digital signature. This signature is required for all e-mail submissions. Requests without a digital signature will not be processed. Please include the following items in the body of your e-mail. You can "copy and paste" the following information.

Full name:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
SSN: (optional)
Description of the records you seek:

Average Processing Time - It is difficult to provide an "average" processing time, as requests vary in their scope and complexity. Actual processing time will depend upon how extensive a search is required; the complexity, volume, and sensitivity of the records located; the need for consultation among various offices within NSA/CSS, as well as the need to consult with other agencies having an interest in the material; and the number of cases preceding a request in the processing queue. Requests are processed on a "first-in, first-out" basis.

Expedited Treatment - A request will be expedited if the requester seeks such processing and demonstrates a compelling need, as defined by the FOIA, or a need for expedited treatment, as detailed in Department of Defense FOIA Regulation 54000.7-R. The requester seeking expeditious processing must provide a statement certified by him/her to be true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge.

Appeal Process - A requester has the right to file an administrative appeal if an adverse determination is made. Examples of adverse determinations are a denial of records or information within records, the inability of an agency to locate records, the determination that a request does not fall under the purview of this Agency, a denial of a waiver of fees, and a denial of expedited processing.

The FOIA/PA Office can be reached via phone at (301) 688-6527.


Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Oct 13, 2011 | Last Reviewed: Oct 13, 2011


National Security Agency / Central Security Service