Consumption & Efficiency

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Today in Energy - Residential Consumption & Efficiency

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent residential consumption and efficiency issues and trends

Today in Energy - Commercial Consumption & Efficiency

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent commercial consumption and efficiency issues and trends

Today in Energy - Energy Efficiency

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent energy efficiency issues and trends

Today in Energy - Transportation Consumption & Efficiency

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent transportation consumption issues and trends

Today in Energy - Manufacturing Consumption & Efficiency

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent manufacturing consumption and efficiency issues and trends

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: September 11, 2012

Short-term energy supply, demand, and price projections through 2013 for U.S. and International oil forecasts

Monthly Energy Review - Consumption Section

Released: August 29, 2012

Recent statistics on energy consumption.

Monthly Energy Review

Released: August 29, 2012

The Monthly Energy Review (MER) is the U.S. Energy Information Administration's primary report of recent energy statistics. Included are total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum; carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversions.

Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: August 2, 2012

This report presents the major assumptions of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) used to generate the projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012, including general features of the model structure, assumptions concerning energy markets, and the key input data and parameters that are the most significant in formulating the model results.

Where does RECS square footage data come from?

Released: July 11, 2012

The size of a home is a fixed characteristic strongly associated with the amount of energy consumed within it, particularly for space heating, air conditioning, lighting, and other appliances. As a part of the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), trained interviewers measure the square footage of each housing unit. RECS square footage data allow comparison of homes with varying characteristics. In-person measurements are vital because many alternate data sources, including property tax records, real estate listings, and, respondent estimates use varying definitions and under-estimate square footage as defined for the purposes of evaluating residential energy consumption.

Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The complete version of Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) which, in addition to the Reference case projections, includes 29 alternative cases which show how different assumptions regarding market, policy, and technology drivers affect projections of energy production, consumption, technology, and market trends and the direction they may take in the future. (archived versions)

RECS data show decreased energy consumption per household

Released: June 6, 2012

Total United States energy consumption in homes has remained relatively stable for many years as increased energy efficiency has offset the increase in the number and average size of housing units, according to the newly released data from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS). The average household consumed 90 million British thermal units (Btu) in 2009 based on RECS. This continues the downward trend in average residential energy consumption of the last 30 years. Despite increases in the number and the average size of homes plus increased use of electronics, improvements in efficiency for space heating, air conditioning, and major appliances have all led to decreased consumption per household. Newer homes also tend to feature better insulation and other characteristics, such as double-pane windows, that improve the building envelope.

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data

Released: May 4, 2012

This report contains data on the number of onroad alternative fuel vehicles and hybrid vehicles made available by both the original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket vehicle conversion facilities and data on the use of alternative fueled vehicles and the amount of fuel they consume.

The impact of increasing home size on energy demand

Released: April 19, 2012

Homes built since 1990 are on average 27% larger than homes built in earlier decades, a significant trend because most energy end-uses are correlated with the size of the home. As square footage increases, the burden on heating and cooling equipment rises, lighting requirements increase, and the likelihood that the household uses more than one refrigerator increases. Square footage typically stays fixed over the life of a home and it is a characteristic that is expensive, even impractical to alter to reduce energy consumption.

What Are the Major Sources and Users of Energy in the United States?

Released: October 25, 2011

Energy in Brief article on energy sources in the U.S.

Annual Energy Review

Released: October 19, 2011

A report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1949. Included are data on total energy production, consumption, and trade; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, as well as financial and environmental indicators; and data unit conversion tables.

Annual Energy Review - Consumption Section

Released: October 19, 2011

annual statistics on energy consumption.

Air conditioning in nearly 100 million U.S. homes

Released: August 19, 2011

Except in the temperate climate regions along the West coast, air conditioners (AC) are now standard equipment in most U.S. homes. As recently as 1993, only 68% of all occupied housing units had AC. The latest results from the 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) show that 87 percent of U.S. households are now equipped with AC. This growth occurred among all housing types and in every Census region. Wider use has coincided with much improved energy efficiency standards for AC equipment, a population shift to hotter and more humid regions, and a housing boom during which average housing sizes increased.

Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: April 26, 2011

The AEO Supplemental tables were generated for the reference case of the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) using the National Energy Modeling System, a computer-based model which produces annual projections of energy markets. Most of the tables were not published in the AEO, but contain regional and other more detailed projections underlying the AEO projections.

How does EIA estimate energy consumption and end uses in U.S. homes?

Released: March 28, 2011

EIA administers the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) to a nationally representative sample of housing units. Specially trained interviewers collect energy characteristics on the housing unit, usage patterns, and household demographics. This information is combined with data from energy suppliers to these homes to estimate energy costs and usage for heating, cooling, appliances and other end uses  information critical to meeting future energy demand and improving efficiency and building design.

Share of energy used by appliances and consumer electronics increases in U.S. homes

Released: March 28, 2011

Over the past three decades, the share of residential electricity used by appliances and electronics in U.S. homes has nearly doubled from 17 percent to 31 percent, growing from 1.77 quadrillion Btu (quads) to 3.25 quads. This rise has occurred while Federal energy efficiency standards were enacted on every major appliance, overall household energy consumption actually decreased from 10.58 quads to 10.55 quads, and energy use per household fell 31 percent.

EIA household energy use data now includes detail on 16 States

Released: March 28, 2011

EIA is releasing new benchmark estimates for home energy use for the year 2009 that include detailed data for 16 States, 12 more than in past EIA residential energy surveys.

What's New In Our Home Energy Use?

Released: March 28, 2011

The 2009 RECS collected home energy characteristics data from over 12,000 U.S. households. This report highlights findings from the survey, with details presented in the Household Energy Characteristics tables.

Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey - Office Buildings

Released: September 29, 2010

Provides an in-depth look at this building type as reported in the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey. Office buildings are the most common type of commercial building and they consumed more than 17 percent of all energy in the commercial buildings sector in 2003. This special report provides characteristics and energy consumption data by type of office building (e.g. administrative office, government office, medical office) and information on some of the types of equipment found in office buildings: heating and cooling equipment, computers, servers, printers, and photocopiers.

Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Energy Outlook

Released: August 25, 2010

Presented by: Richard Newell, Administrator, to: MIT-NESCAUM Endicott House; Boston, MA

Trends in U.S. Residential Natural Gas Consumption

Released: June 23, 2010

This report presents an analysis of residential natural gas consumption trends in the United States through 2009 and analyzes consumption trends for the United States as a whole (1990 through 2009) and for each Census Division (1998 through 2009).

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

ARRA, signed into law in mid-February 2009, provides significant new Federal funding, loan guarantees, and tax credits to stimulate investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. The provisions of ARRA were incorporated initially as part of a revision to the AEO2009 Reference case that was released in April 2009, and they also are included in AEO2010.

Energy Demand (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Growth in U.S. energy use is linked to population growth through increases in demand for housing, commercial floorspace, transportation, manufacturing, and services. This affects not only the level of energy use, but also the mix of fuels and consumption by sector.

Comparing Efficiency Projections (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Realized improvements in energy efficiency generally rely on a combination of technology and economics [47]. The figure below illustrates the role of technology assumptions in the AEO2010 projections for energy efficiency in the residential and commercial buildings sector. Projected energy consumption in the Reference case is compared with projections in the Best Available Technology, High Technology, and 2009 Technology cases and an estimate based on an assumption of no change in efficiency for building shells and equipment.

Energy Intensity Trends in AEO2010 (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Energy intensity (energy consumption per dollar of real GDP) indicates how much energy a country uses to produce its goods and services. From the early 1950s to the early 1970s, U.S. total primary energy consumption and real GDP increased at nearly the same annual rate (Figure 17). During that period, real oil prices remained virtually flat. In contrast, from the mid-1970s to 2008, the relationship between energy consumption and real GDP growth changed, with primary energy consumption growing at less than one-third the previous average rate and real GDP growth continuing to grow at its historical rate. The decoupling of real GDP growth from energy consumption growth led to a decline in energy intensity that averaged 2.8 percent per year from 1973 to 2008. In the AEO2010 Reference case, energy intensity continues to decline, at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent from 2008 to 2035.

Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008: Summary of Provisions (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-343), which was signed into law on October 3, 2008, incorporates EIEA2008 in Division B. Provisions in EIEA2008 that require funding appropriations to be implemented, whose impact is highly uncertain or that require further specification by Federal agencies or Congress, are not included in AEO2009.

Overview of Commercial Buildings, 2003

Released: December 23, 2008

The Energy Information Administration conducts the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) to collect information on energy-related building characteristics and types and amounts of energy consumed in commercial buildings in the United States.

Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey

Released: September 1, 2008

The 38 new tables contain consumption and expenditures data for all buildings including malls (the first release of consumption and expenditures data did not include malls). (archived versions)

Industrial Sector Energy Demand: Revisions for Non-Energy-Intensive Manufacturing (released in AEO2007)

Released: March 11, 2007

For the industrial sector, EIAs analysis and projection efforts generally have focused on the energy-intensive industriesfood, bulk chemicals, refining, glass, cement, steel, and aluminumwhere energy cost averages 4.8 percent of annual operating cost. Detailed process flows and energy intensity indicators have been developed for narrowly defined industry groups in the energy-intensive manufacturing sector. The non-energy-intensive manufacturing industries, where energy cost averages 1.9 percent of annual operating cost, previously have received somewhat less attention, however. In AEO2006, energy demand projections were provided for two broadly aggregated industry groups in the non-energy-intensive manufacturing sector: metal-based durables and other non-energy-intensive. In the AEO2006 projections, the two groups accounted for more than 50 percent of the projected increase in industrial natural gas consumption from 2004 to 2030.

Biofuels in the U.S. Transportation Sector (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Sustained high world oil prices and the passage of the EPACT2005 have encouraged the use of agriculture-based ethanol and biodiesel in the transportation sector; however, both the continued growth of the biofuels industry and the long-term market potential for biofuels depend on the resolution of critical issues that influence the supply of and demand for biofuels. For each of the major biofuelscorn-based ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, and biodieselresolution of technical, economic, and regulatory issues remains critical to further development of biofuels in the United States.

Manufacturing Energy Consumption

Released: January 1, 2007

The Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) is a periodic national sample survey devoted to measuring energy consumption and related issues in the manufacturing sector. The MECS collects data on energy consumption, purchases and expenditures, and related issues and behaviors. (archived versions)

Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions in U.S. Manufacturing

Released: November 1, 2006

Based on the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA), this paper presents historical energy-related carbon dioxide emission estimates for energy-intensive sub-sectors and 23 industries. Estimates are based on surveys of more than 15,000 manufacturing plants in 1991, 1994, 1998, and 2002. EIA is currently developing its collection of manufacturing data for 2006.

Energy Use in Manufacturing

Released: August 14, 2006

This report addresses both manufacturing energy consumption and characteristics of the manufacturing economy related to energy consumption. In addition, special sections on fuel switching capacity and energy-management activities between 1998 and 2002 are also featured in this report.

Energy Technologies on the Horizon (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

A key issue in mid-term forecasting is the representation of changing and developing technologies. How existing technologies will evolve, and what new technologies might emerge, cannot be known with certainty. The issue is of particular importance in AEO2006, the first AEO with projections out to 2030.

Household Vehicles Energy Consumption

Released: November 30, 2005

This report provides newly available national and regional data and analyzes the nation's energy use by light-duty vehicles. This release represents the analytical component of the report, with a data component having been released in early 2005. (archived versions)

U.S. Household Electricity Report

Released: July 14, 2005

Brief analysis reports on the amount of electricity consumed annually by U.S. households for each of several end uses, including space heating and cooling, water heating, lighting, and the operation of more than two dozen appliances.

Road Ahead for Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Demand, The

Released: July 11, 2005

Explores some potential variations in light-duty vehicle demand to illustrate both the magnitude of demand changes and the length of time that it can take to affect demand when different levels of new-vehicle efficiencies and penetrations are assumed

Changing Trends in the Bulk Chemicals and Pulp and Paper Industries (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

Compared with the experience of the 1990s, rising energy prices in recent years have led to questions about expectations of growth in industrial output, particularly in energy-intensive industries. Given the higher price trends, a review of expected growth trends in selected industries was undertaken as part of the production of AEO2005. In addition, projections for the industrial value of shipments, which were based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system in AEO2004, are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) in AEO2005. The change in industrial classification leads to lower historical growth rates for many industrial sectors. The impacts of these two changes are highlighted in this section for two of the largest energy-consuming industries in the U.S. industrial sectorbulk chemicals and pulp and paper.

Meeting U.S. Transportation Fuel Demand

Released: October 20, 2004

This presentation outlines some of the issues and challenges ahead for gasoline supply in the United States, with a particular look at international refining and factors affecting gasoline imports.

Householder's Perceptions of Insulation Adequacy and Drafts in the Home in 2001

Released: August 1, 2004

In order to improve the estimation of end-use heating consumption, the Energy Information Administration's (EIA), 2001 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), for the first time, asked respondents to judge how drafty they perceived their homes to be as a measure of insulation quality.

Supplemental Data for the 2001 NHTS

Released: January 21, 2004

Residential Transportation (RTECS) was conducted in 1983, 1985, 1988, 1991, and 1994 then discontinued.


Released: January 1, 2004


Effect of Income on Appliances in U.S. Households, The

Released: January 1, 2004

This web page page entails how people live, the factors that cause the most differences in home lifestyle, including energy use in Geographic Location, Socioeconomics and Household Income.

Outlook for Transportation Fuel Supplies, 2003 and Beyond

Released: February 18, 2003

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Washington, DC February 18, 2003

Cooking Trends in the United States : Are We Really Becoming a Fast Food Country?

Released: November 25, 2002

This report will refer to cooking patterns data collected in the 1993 and 2001 RECS.

Review of Transportation Issues & Comparison of Infrastructure Costs for a Renewable Fuels Standard

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes the inter-regional transportation issues and associated costs for increased distribution of renewable fuels with the assumption that ethanol will be used to meet the standards.

Computers and Photocopiers in Commercial Buildings

Released: August 12, 2002

Use of computers and photocopiers in commercial buildings, based on 1999 CBECS data.

A Look at Building Activities in the 1999 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey

Released: July 24, 2002

Profiles of commercial building types, including office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, churches, and fire stations. Data from the 1999 CBECS.

Measuring Changes in Energy Efficiency for the Annual Energy Outlook 2002

Released: July 1, 2002

This paper describes the methodology used to develop the NEMS estimate of projected aggregate energy efficiency and to describe the results of applying it to the Annual Energy Outlook 2002 (AEO2002) reference case.

Delivered Energy Consumption Projections by Industry in the Annual Energy Outlook 2002

Released: June 1, 2002

This paper presents delivered energy consumption and intensity projections for the industries included in the industrial sector of the National Energy Modeling System.

Winter Energy Savings from Lower Thermostat Settings

Released: December 12, 2000

This discussion provides details on the effect of lowering thermostat settings during the winter heating months of 1997.

Production, Energy, and Carbon Emissions: A Data Profile of the Iron and Steel Industry

Released: September 14, 2000

Energy-related carbon emissions in manufacturing analysis and issues related to the energy use, energy efficiency, and carbon emission indicators.

Odometer Versus Self-Reported Estimates of Vehicle Miles Traveled

Released: August 1, 2000

The findings described here compare odometer readings with self-reported estimates of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) to investigate to what extent self-reported VMT is a reliable surrogate for odometer-based VMT.

Energy Efficiency Measurement Discussion

Released: June 19, 2000

Energy-Efficiency Measurement, Energy Efficiency Measures, Policy Issues, and Energy Intensity provides information on indices as a measure of relative changes and other approaches and measurement Issues.

Energy Efficiency Definition

Released: June 19, 2000

This web site discusses some commonly-accepted definitions of energy efficiency.

Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Manufacturing

Released: May 31, 2000

Energy-related carbon emissions in manufacturing analysis and issues related to the energy use, energy efficiency, and carbon emission indicators.

Fuel Oil Use in Manufacturing

Released: May 15, 2000

This web page focal point is the large majority of oil products purchased by manufacturers to produce heat and power are distillate and residual fuel oils.

How Changing Energy Markets Affect Manufacturing

Released: March 1, 2000

The market for natural gas has been changing for quite some time. As part of natural gas restructuring, gas pipelines were opened to multiple users. Manufacturers or their representatives could go directly to the wellhead to purchase their natural gas, arrange the transportation, and have the natural gas delivered either by the local distribution company or directly through a connecting pipeline. (archived versions)

Statement Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, & Reg. Affairs

Released: February 2, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC February 2, 2000

Trends in the Commercial Buildings Sector

Released: January 12, 2000

Trends in number of buildings, amount of floorspace, and energy consumption from 1979 to 1999.

United States Energy Usage and Efficiency: Measuring Changes Over Time

Released: October 17, 1999

This paper first presents EIA's history and role as an energy data source. Next provides a brief synopsis of the developments in EIA's energy-efficiency project since it began in 1993.

Developing Energy Indicators in the U.S.: The EIA Experience

Released: October 17, 1999

This web site discusses the EIA experience in developing energy intensity indicators.

U.S. Economy Energy-Efficiency Workshop

Released: October 17, 1999

The participant discussions in this session suggested EIA has opened Pandora's box. Participants seem well aware of the difficulties and complexities of doing energy-efficiency assessments for entire economy.

Electricity Generation in the Manufacturing Sector: A Historical Perspective

Released: October 17, 1999

The focus of the paper is on distributed generation in the manufacturing sector. Electricity restructuring and distributed generation compatibility issues are discussed.

Personal Computers and Computer Terminals in Commercial Buildings

Released: April 20, 1999

Use of personal computers and computer terminals in commercial buildings, based on 1995 CBECS data.

Impacts of Increased Diesel Penetration in the Transportation Sector, The

Released: August 1, 1998

Requested by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. Analyzes the impacts on petroleum prices, demand, and refinery operations of a projected increase in demand for diesel fuel stemming from greater penetration of diesel-fueled engines in the light-duty vehicle fleet of the U.S. transportation sector.

Total U.S. Vehicle Stock

Released: June 17, 1998

This study attempts to assess the composition of the U.S. vehicle stock based on existing data sources and educated speculation.

Guide to Surveys of Motor Vehicle Fleets, A

Released: November 1, 1996

Presents the procedures used in conducting the Clean Cities Fleet Surveys The surveys attempted to identify and describe the market for alternative-fuel vehicles. Presents the procedures used in conducting the Clean Cities Fleet Surveys The surveys attempted to identify and describe the market for alternative-fuel vehicles.

Transportation Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop

Released: March 21, 1996

Participants in this workshop pointed out that EIA collects very little transportation data. Therefore it has the least experience using transportation data and very little control over the quality of the data from outside sources. EIA's transportation data covers only the residential sector.

Industrial Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop

Released: March 5, 1996

Participants in this workshop argued "How Should Energy Efficiency be Defined in the Industrial Sector?"

Describing Current and Potential Markets for Alternative-Fuel Vehicles

Released: March 1, 1996

Describes current and potential markets for alternative fuel vehicles (AFV). It assesses the total vehicle stock and focuses on the current use of AFV's in alternative fuel provider fleets and the potential for use of AFV's in U.S. households. Describes current and potential markets for alternative fuel vehicles (AFV). It assesses the total vehicle stock and focuses on the current use of AFV's in alternative fuel provider fleets and the potential for use of AFV's in U.S. households

Profile of Motor-Vehicle Fleets in Atlanta, 1994

Released: November 1, 1995

Presents the results of the EIA survey of motor vehicle fleets, both private and municipal, in Atlanta.

Measuring Energy Efficiency in the Unites States Economy, A Beginning

Released: October 1, 1995

Addresses the definitional and methodological issues surrounding the measurement of energy efficiency. Since energy efficiency can rarely be measured directly, the report focuses on the changes in energy intensity with various techniques in each of the sectors.

Changes in Energy Intensity in the Manufacturing Sector 1985-1991

Released: September 1, 1995

Changes in Energy Intensity in the Manufacturing Sector, 1985-1991 presents statistics about changes in energy consumption per constant dollar of value of shipments. The report is based on the 1991 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), and is the third publication associated with that survey. The 1991 MECS is the third survey conducted, with earlier surveys gathering information on 1985 and 1988 energy consumption patterns. The information in this report continues the data series on changes in energy intensity based on information collected by the two earlier surveys.

Evaluating Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey Methodology

Released: March 1, 1995

This 'EIA Data News' item discusses the sample of Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) respondents included in the Response Analysis Survey (RAS) of selected MECS respondents in late 1992, the RAS's design and execution, the results of the survey, and the ways those results contributed to the design of the 1994 MECS.

Highlights: Manufacturing Consumption of Energy 1991

Released: January 1, 1995

Highlights of data from the Manufacturing Consumption of Energy 1991

Atlanta Private Fleet Survey 1994, Preliminary Estimates

Released: December 1, 1994

In 1994, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) set up a program for collecting data on private fleets in the Atlanta air-quality nonattainment area. This is the first metropolitan area designated a "Clean City" under the Department of Energy's Clean Cities program.

Propane-Provider Fleet Survey 1993

Released: November 1, 1994

These preliminary estimates are based on data from the Propane Provider Fleet Survey, which the Energy Information Administration (EIA) conducted between June 1 and September 30, 1994.

Comparability of Supply- and Consumption-Derived Estimates of Manufacturing Energy Consumption

Released: October 1, 1994

This article discusses the relationship of the industrial-sector consumption estimates presented in EIA's State Energy Data Report (SEDR), which are derived from supplier surveys, to those derived from EIA's Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), one of the end-use surveys.

Lighting in Commercial Buildings

Released: March 1, 1992

This report, Lighting in Commercial Buildings, inaugurates a new analytic series. Extensive information on sectoral energy consumption is collected by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). This first publication in this series uses EIA's Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey as a basis for analyzing lighting in commercial buildings.

A Comparison of Measures by Consumption and Supply Surveys

Released: June 15, 1988

This report was prepared in response to a request from the Office of Policy Integration in the U.S. Department of Energy for an analysis of how Energy Information Administration data from its consumption surveys compares with data from its supply surveys.

Preliminary Conservation Tables from National Interim Energy Consumption Survey

Released: August 15, 1979

The focus of this report is the conservation activities performed by households since January 1977, and the status of households with respect to insulation, storm windows, and other energy conserving characteristics.


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