Survey Forms

EIA-23L Reserves Information Gathering System (RIGS)

Released: April 3, 2012

The Form EIA-23L, "Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, " is used to collect data on reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids. These data are used to develop national and regional estimates of proved reserves of domestic crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, and to facilitate national energy policy decisions. Reporting on the Form EIA-23L is mandatory.

Reserves Information Gathering System
The Form EIA-23L Reserves Information Gathering System (RIGS), provides respondents with an efficient and effective means for filing the form using a personal computer (PC).

Hardware / Software Requirements
The minimum hardware requirements needed to install and use RIGS are:

  • An IBM-compatible personal computer (PC)
  • The Windows operating system (2000, NT, XP, Vista, or Windows 7)
  • At least 20.0 megabytes of free disk space on the hard drive

Downloading and Installing
Follow the steps below to download the file containing the application. Please PRINT instructions prior to beginning the installation process!

Download Application:
1) Download RIGS Application. You are prompted to either "Run this program from its current location" or "Save this program to disk." Select "Save this program to disk," and click the OK button.

2) A box is displayed, asking where you wish to copy the "RIGS_2011.EXE" file. You may copy it anywhere on your hard drive, but it is recommended that you NOT copy it directly to your root directory, C:\. The directory in which you copy this file is NOT necessarily the directory where the system will be installed. The file is a self-extracting compressed file (zipped).

Installation Instructions:
1) Open Windows Explorer and go to the drive/directory into which you've copied the RIGS_2011.EXE file from the Internet, and double-click on the RIGS_2011.EXE file.

2) As the RIGS install begins, an InstallShield Welcome screen is displayed; click the Next button to continue. Enter your User Name and Company Name in the next screen, and click the Next button.

3) A Choose Destination Location screen is displayed. The default directory to which the system will be installed is:

C:\RIGS 2011
(If you wish to change the directory, click the Browse button.)
Click the Next button to continue the installation.

4) Next, the Select Program Folder box is displayed. The name you enter will be the name you see in your Windows "Programs" menu. The default is RIGS 2011. Click the Next button; the Start Copying Files screen is displayed. Click the Next button to perform the installation.

5) The InstallShield Wizard Complete screen is displayed, alerting that the setup is complete and RIGS has been installed. Click the Finish button to exit the setup program.

For complete instructions for running the RIGS, see the RIGS User's Guide in PDF format.

If you require any assistance in installing or running RIGS, contact EIA at 1-800-879-1470.