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Operating Plans

The Operating Plans provides the Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration plans for Pilots, Demonstration, and Research (PD&R) and Evaluation for a given Fiscal Year (FY). The PD&R and Evaluation funds are used for a Program Year, which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30.

Investment decisions will be guided by the six priority areas in the Five-Year Pilot, Demonstration and Evaluation Strategic Plan for 2007-2012. It is important to note that the specific projects identified under each priority area will be planned for in accordance with the limited resources available.

2010 Operating Plans
PD&R Operating Plans
Evaluation Operating Plans

2009 Operating Plans
PD&R Operating Plan
Evaluation Operating Plan

2008 Operating Plans
PD&R Operating Plan
Evaluation Operating Plan
Dislocated Worker Operating Plan

2007 Operating Plans
PD&R Operating Plan
Evaluation Operating Plan