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Activate an Interward Transfer Order in TC2

  1. At the Select Physician prompt, enter ORE for Enter/Maintain Orders. Select Enter.
  2. Select the patient's name, which displays with the patient's social security number, date of birth and rank.
  3. At the OK? YES// option, select Enter.
  4. The ICU1 POL screen displays with the cursor at the Action prompt. Enter N for New Orders. Select Enter.
  5. At the Select Order prompt, type Admissions, Dispositions and Transfer. Press Enter to select the Order Type.
  6. At the Select ADT Procedure prompt, type T for Transfer. Select Enter.
  7. The Interward Transfer screen displays the OK? YES// option. Press Enter.
  8. The next screen displays the Interward Transfer with the cursor blinking at the Requested Ward prompt. Enter the new ward and the required data for each prompt. At File/Exit, press Enter to continue.
    • NOTE: Users are prompted to choose a ward from a list or use the help command, Shift+??. For the date, enter N for Now to accept the current date.
  9. At the Action prompt, enter ACT to Activate ADT (transfer order). At the Activate This Order? Y// option, press Enter.
  10. A screen displays that the transfer went through to the requested ward for ICW1.
  11. Users return to the ICW1 POL screen. Use the directional arrows to select ICW1. Select Enter to highlight the Requested Ward.
  12. At the Action prompt, enter ACT to Activate ADT (transfer order). Select Enter.
  13. At the Activate This Order option, select Enter.
  14. At the Interward screen, select Enter.
    • NOTE: Add or edit any data as necessary.
  15. At File/Exit, select Enter. The ICW1 screen displays with the requesting ward highlighted.
  16. At the Action prompt, press Q to quit. Select Enter.
  17. At the Print Order Group? YES// option, type N and select Enter. Do not accept this option.
  18. At Select Patient Name, enter the caret (^) and press Enter to return to the Select Physician menu option prompt.
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