Molecular Foundry, LBNL & Oxford Instruments: New Frontiers in Plasma Technology

October 02, 2012 - October 03, 2012

The Molecular Foundry, LBNL & Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
announce their 3rd annual workshop which will address the latest
research and state-of-the art applications in plasma deposition and
patterning and is free-of-charge. This 1 day event at the Molecular
Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will include seminars,
tutorials, networking opportunities and tours with a focus on atomic
level control in processing and analysis.

Afternoon tutorials and Clean-room tours take place on October 2nd .
Practical group sessions will cover Plasma Etch, Atomic Layer Deposition
and Nanoanalysis and allow ample interaction opportunity in an informal
forum. Tutorials will be facilitated by Dr. Frank Ogletree, Molecular
Foundry and experts from Oxford Instruments.

Day two, October 3rd is an all day workshop with invited speakers:
Prof. Erwin Kessels, Technical University Eindhoven; Dr. Tom Sharp,
Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology; Dr. Frank Greer, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Prof. Stacey Bent, Stanford University; Dr. Deirdre Olynick,
Molecular Foundry, LBNL; Dr. Dominik Ziegler, Molecular Foundry LBNL;
Dr. Alex Weber-Bargioni, Molecular Foundry, LBNL; Dr. Markus Maier,
Omicron, Xiaodan Gu, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Presentation topics will include:

  •    Next-Generation Chemical Mapping on the Nanoscale
  •    ALD for single digit nanopatterning
  •    Encased AFM cantilevers for biological imaging
  •    Controlling deposition in ALD: From continuous films to nanoparticles, and applications in energy conversion
  •    ALD in Space
  •    Monolayer controlled deposition for batteries, core-shell nanoparticles, and patterning
  •    Opportunities with Plasma ALD
  •    Block copolymer lithography, pattern transfer, and analysis

Registration is free but separate from the Molecular Foundry User
Meeting. Contact to register or for further

To attend the Annual User meeting which follows on Oct 4 & 5, please
register at