DOE - RL Contracts/Procurements
CSC Contract Modifications

166 - This modification is to obligate funds and make an administrative change to Modification 165.

165 - This modification is to obligate funds and increase the Not-To-Exceed (NTE) amount for the Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

164 - This modification is to obligate funds and update directives.

163 - Undefinitized change order for continued support during Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 to resolve corrective actions related to the Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP).

162 - This modification is to definitize contract Modification 158 and revise Section B.

161 - This modification is to obligate funds.

160 - This modification is to obligate funds, update directives and make an administrative change. Revised Page B-2 is attached.

159 - This modification is to obligate funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Report #13 is attached.

158 - Undefinitized change order for continued support during Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 to resolve corrective actions related to the Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP).

157 - This modification obligates funds, Financial Plan No. 6 is attached.

156 - This modification is to definitize contract Modification 147 and revise Section B.

155 - This modification obligates funds. Revised Page B-2 is attached

154 - This modification is to update DOE Directives

153 - This modification obligates funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan No. 4 are attached

152 - This modification updates CRD O 472.2, Personnel Security. Revised pages J-13 through J-15 attached

151 - This modification obligates funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Nos. 2 and 3 are attached

150 - This modification is to definitize contract Modification 138 and revise Section B. Revised Page B-4 is attached

149 - This modification is to obligate funds and revise Section J.9

148 - This modification is to update Directives. Revised page J-13 and J-14

147 - Undefinitized change order for continued support during Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 to resolve corrective actions related to the Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP)

146 - Definitize contract modification 136 and to revise Sections B

145 - This modification is to exercise one contract option year and incorporate a replacement Wage Determination.

144 - This modification is to obligate funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #12 and #13 are attached

143 - This modification is to obligate funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Report #11 is attached

142 - This modification is to revise Section J.

141 - This modification is to obligate funds and update Section J.6. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Report #10 is attached

140 - This modification is to obligate funds. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Report #9 is attached

139 - This modification is to obligate funds and revise Section J

138 - Undefinitized change order for continued support to resolve corrective actions related to the Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP).

137 - Definitize contract modifications 114, 118, 122, 126 and 129 adn to revise Sections B, H and J

136 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,015,000.00 Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #6 & 7 are attached

135 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 108,000.00 and update to Section J.2

134 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 3,003,000.00 Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #4 are attached. Update Section J.6 - List of Applicable Directives

133 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,080,000.00 Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #3 are attached

132 - Revise Section J.9, FY2011 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.

131 - Update Sections C and J

130 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 23,000. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #2 are attached

129 - Undefinitized change order for a reduction in service to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Revised pages C-11 and C-12 are attached

128 - Changes to Section H and J

127 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 500,000. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #1 are attached

126 - Weekly status report for the Beryllium Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in conjunction with Contract Modification No. 122

125 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,115,122.43. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #20 are attached

124 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 519,979.09. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #19 are attached

122 - Undefinitized change order for "Corrective Actions for Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program"

121 - Add Section J.9, Fiscal Year 2011 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP)

120 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 630,337.00. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #14, 15, and 18 are attached

119 - Contract Clause B.2 Obligation of Funds 1,379,370.10. is obligated to the contract to authorize purchases of a Digital Imaging system and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.
118 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 10,000.00. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #11 are attached
117 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 3,370,702.00. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #10 are attached
116 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,141,152.43. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #9 are attached
115 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,028,000.00. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #8 are attached
114 - Change Order, Beryllium Services
113 - Contract Clause B.2, is changed by increasing the contract obligation by $1,408,113.00. Revised Page B-2 and Financial Plan Reports #7 are attached.
112 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 310,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
111 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,335,500.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
110 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,710,191.63. Replacement page B-2 is attached
109 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,154,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
108 - The purpose of this modification is to incorporate 52.222-54, Employment Eligibilty Verification (Jan 2009) into Section I.1 of the contract. Revised pages I-4 and I-5 are attached.
107 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 545,168.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
106 - The purpose of this modification is to correct the Financial Plan Report #18 contained in Modification 105
105 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 636,833.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
103 - The purpose of this modification is to make changes to Section C, H and J
102 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,121,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
101 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 982,900.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
100 - Changes Cost Reimbursement
099 - Excercise one contract Option Year and Incorporate a Replacement Wage Determination
A098 - This modification revises the contract to include the contract terms associated with the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA or "Recovery Act")
A097 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,150,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A096 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 63,084.82. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A095 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 723,500.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A094 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,763,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A093 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 15,228.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
M092 - Replacement pages C-2, C-18, C-19 and C-20.
A091 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 136,643.67. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A090 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 145,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A089 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 686,500.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A088 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 575,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A087 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,989,272.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A086 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 818,074.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A085 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 113,600.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached and Financial Plan Report are attached
A084 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 586,032.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A083 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,507,337.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A082 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 150,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A081 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by decreasing the contract obligation by 347,161.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A080 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 3,530,327.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A079 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 91,750.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A078 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 133,750.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A077 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 61,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A076 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 396,608.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A075 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 3,208,901.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A074 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 3,062,252.90. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A073 - Change to Section J of the contract due to new DOE Directives.
A072 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 27,498.01. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
M071 - Changes to Section H addition of pages H15 to H17.
A070 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 410,550,06. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A069 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,500,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
A068 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,176,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A067 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,541,010.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A066 - Change to Section J of the contract due to Key Personnel.
A065 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 200,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
A064 - Contract changes to reflect corrected estimated costs and maximum award fee. Plus replacement page B-4, and changes to Section J of the contract due to new DOE Directives.
A063 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 295,520.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
A062 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 217,091.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
A061 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 844,052.92. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A060 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,604,341.77. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A059 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 2,860,867.62. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A058 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 902,800.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A057 - Contract changes to paragraph B.3 for revised estimated costs and maximum awards. Replacement page is attached.
A056 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 4,398,379.87. Replacement page B-2 is attached
M055 - Change to Section J of the contract due to new DOE Directives.
A054 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 830,200.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
M053 - Change to Section J of the contract due to new DOE Directives.
A052 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 1,341,221.48. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
M051 - Clause B.2 is increasing the contract obligation by $1,034,995.00, and a change to Section J.
M050 - Change to Section J of the contract due to changed DOE Directives changes.
A049 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 750,000.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached.
M048 - Change to Section J of the contract due to Key Personnel.
M047 - Novation Agreement.
A046 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $207,184.57.
A045 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $221,800.00.
M044 - Change to Section J of the contract due to a supplemented DOE Directives.
A043 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $245,000,000.00.
M042 - Change to Section J of the contract due to new and changed DOE Directives.
A041 Obligate additional funds and to correct an administrative error on M039
M039 - Contract Clause H.23 page 15 of  Section H.
A038 - To Exercise the first three contract option periods, to incorporate a replacement Wage Determination, to change incorrect wording in Section B.
A037 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $11,000.00.
A036 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $94,000.00.
A035 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $2,000,000.00.
A034 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,567,756.60.
A032 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $2,723,142.71.
A031 - The purpose of this modification is to change Clause B.3 to actual amounts of maximum award fee for FY 04 and FY 05.
A030 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $4,007.958.14.
A029 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $168,839.78.
A028 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $16,000.00.
A027 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $522,432.00.
A026 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,514,266.00.
A025 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,268,155.71.
A024 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $413,457.00.
A084 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 586,032.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A084 - Contract Clause B.2 is changed by increasing the contract obligation by 586,032.00. Replacement page B-2 is attached
A022 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $12,000.00.
A021 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $2,247,832.00.
A020 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $221,796.69.
A019 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $219,293.00.
A018 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $172,158.73.
M017 - Replaces pages H-6 and H-7.
A016 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $3,650,200.00.
A015 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $2,500,000.00.
A014 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,020,000.00.
A013 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,258,936.00.
A012 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $358,213.00.
M011 - Revises Section I and revises and replaces Attachment J.6.
A010 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $82,684.00.
A009 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $2,386,681.00.
M008 - Replaces Section C, Section H, and Section J.
A007 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $38,281.00.
A006 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,095,810.46.
A005 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $27,803.69.
A004 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $468,000.00.
A003 - Increases the amount of funds obligated to the contract by $1,772,609.66.
M002 - Revise Contract Period Performance start date to 06/06/2004
A001 - Change Mod M001 to M002 and obligate funding

For questions or comments, please send email to Contracting Officer




Last Updated 09/11/2012 12:36 PM