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Create Joining Reports in MSAT

  1. Log in to MSAT on the SIPRNet and click JMeWS.
  2. Navigate to AnnexQ Reporting, Create Report and Joining.
  3. Select the appropriate option for the unit. Find a unit that has not filed a Joining Report or a unit that filed a Theater Departure Report and are currently set as inactive.
  4. To search for a previously deployed unit, the minimum requirements completed are at least one branch and a partial or complete Unit Identification Code. When finished, click the Search for Unit button. The same screen opens when users select the Find New Unit option on the previous screen. If the unit is not listed, click the link to create a new unit.
  5. To create a Joining Report for a new unit, fill out all of the appropriate information and then click the Submit Report button.
  6. If users select a unit that had previously filed a Joining Report, make the necessary changes. When finished, click the Submit Report button.
  7. A new screen appears when a unit successfully joined the JMeWS system.
  8. Click the link to file the Medical Situational Report. Enter the appropriate information on the next screen.
  9. When finished, click the Preview Report button and review the information on the next screen.
  10. After the submission of the report, a new screen displays a verification message that the Medical Situational Report was successfully submitted.
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