
Full Year 2012

Empowering Girls & Women Through Sport Across the Globe

Title IX | June, 26 2012

By: Michelle Kwan, Council Member, PCFSN

Since I was seven years old, sports have been a major part of my life. Through training and competing, winning and losing, and World Championships and Olympics, I have had many unique experiences that helped shape who I am today. I treasure not just the joy and fulfillment I received from skating and competing, but the lessons learned from working hard when I was tired, persevering when things didn’t go my way, getting back up when I fell, and learning to trust my team of coaches, trainers and choreographers. I’ve found that the real power of sport is not just the success on the field or the ice, but how it can be used to teach valuable lessons and create healthy habits that last a lifetime.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Title IX: Getting Girls & Women in the Game!

Let's Move!, Obesity, Title IX | June, 21 2012

By: Billie Jean King, Council Member, PCFSN

When I was growing up in Long Beach, California in the 1940s and '50s, it never occurred to me that I would not be treated equal to my brother, Randy Moffitt, and would not have the same opportunities as boys to succeed. When I was 12 years old, I promised myself that I would commit my life to fighting for equal rights and opportunities for men and women, boys and girls.

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The Thin Green Line: Good Health Begins at Vine Street and Trinity Community School Parks

Recreation | June, 20 2012

By: Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director, President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

Minutes after the opening of Trinity Elementary Community School Park (CSP) earlier this year, neighborhood women were briskly walking a new track with their children. Kids were playing soccer on a new grass field, a college recreation class organized interactive games, and a REI outdoor specialist was teaching youth GPS orienting. After five years of planning, hundreds of children, parents, grand parents, and neighbors joined dignities celebrating Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and People for Parks first CSP. A week later a similar scene was repeated at Vine elementary in Hollywood. A grant secured by PFP opens the Trinity and Vine on weekends, holidays and school vacations. Recreation enrichment activities are being organized.

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Let’s Move! to the Move It Movement Tour

Childhood Obesity, Nutrition, PALA, Physical Activity, Youth | June, 8 2012

By: Ali Kelley

Looking for ways to get your family moving? On June 10, Cartoon Network launched their national Move it Movement Tour, offering kids and families across the country an opportunity to try new activities and sports.

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Get Moving for National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Obesity, PALA, Physical Activity | May, 1 2012

By: Drew Brees, Co-Chair, PCFSN and Dominique Dawes, Co-Chair, PCFSN

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is the perfect time for children and families to get outside and play together! You don't have to do back flips in the Olympics or throw a football 40 yards down the field to be active and break a sweat. Whether you ride your bike to work or school or chase after your dog in the park, physical activity can be fun and it helps you feel good too.

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