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The Foundation for Payments Fraud Abatement & Activism

The Foundation for Payments Fraud Abatement & Activism (FPF2A) is a non-profit corporation founded in 2010 by financial fraud prevention professionals who share a desire to make a positive contribution to the public good.

The mission of FPF2A is to identify, understand and resolve the root causes of payments fraud. FPF2A believes among the root causes of payments fraud is the public’s susceptibility to criminal schemes and the lack of accessible consumer information on “actionable” fraud prevention steps. We believe education is the best weapon.

FPF2A created FraudAvengers.org to add “fraud prevention” to the public’s understanding of “financial literacy”; to empower individuals to protect themselves and the ones they care about from financial abuse; and to impede criminals who seek to benefit from payments fraud. FraudAvengers is a community of like-minded fraud activists, including benefactors, sponsors, guest bloggers, link partners and concerned individuals, which was created to:

  • Help consumers recognize their personal responsibility for protecting their financial information
  • Educate individuals about the latest fraud scams and what they can do to protect themselves
  • Offer a place to post questions and discuss ideas and concerns about payments fraud
  • Provide links to other resources for fraud victims to obtain additional assistance
  • Inspire individuals to become active in a national “anti-fraud” movement

For more information please visit:www.fraudavengers.org

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