Fermilab at Work

U.S. Department of Energy

thumb thumb Illinois Accelerator Research Center Physics for Everyone lecture series
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    Tevatron data show strong indication of Higgs particle

    Squeezing the last bit of information out of 500 trillion particle collisions, scientists from the CDF and DZero collaborations have found their strongest indication to date for the long-sought Higgs particle.

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    Fermilab's Plan for the Future

    Fermilab's plan for the future outlines a diverse, world-leading research program that addresses the most important—and most challenging—questions related to research at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers.

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    Illinois Accelerator Research Center

    At the Illinois Accelerator Research Center scientists and engineers from Fermilab, Argonne and Illinois universities will work with industrial partners to research and develop breakthroughs in accelerator science and translate them into applications for the nation's health, wealth and security.

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  • Physics for Everyone lecture series

    Physics for Everyone

    Learn more about how Fermilab scientists search the cosmos, examine the tiniest known pieces of matter and generally help to discover the secrets of the universe at this monthly lecture series. The archive of the Physics for Everyone lecture series now contains streaming videos of a dozen presentations.

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  • Featured

What you always wanted to know about the Higgs particle


What is a Higgs field? What is a Higgs boson? What would the world look like without the Higgs boson? We have the answers to your questions. Illustration: Fermilab

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Read US LHC press release

  • Campaigns

Take Five for Goal Zero

Take Five for Goal Zero

Fermilab has launched the "Take Five" campaign to give you the tools to improve ES&H and promote best practices.

Tune IT Up

Tune IT Up

Fermilab has launched the "Tune IT Up" campaign to improve computer security and promote best practices.

Traffic Safety Awareness

Traffic Safety Awareness

Fermilab's traffic safety awareness campaign aims to reduce traffic accidents and make traffic safety a top priority for everyone on site.