The Destination is Achievement

"The first two weeks, we fixed walls. Then we worked on the electric system. Before long, we were moving in desks and books. And now, there are actually kids learning in that building. That's pretty amazing."

In a country struggling to rebuild, progress is usually measured in small increments, but when you see students walking into a school that used to be a bombed-out shell of a building, that's a real victory. I’ve never accomplished so much in so little time in my entire life.

Working side by side with our military was amazing. Somehow, these men and women managed to bring order to the chaos. They were definitely in charge, but there was a true sense of teamwork. They know what we bring to the table, they’re grateful for it, and they respect us for it. They know that we don't have to be there, and I think in their minds that really sets us apart.

The day before I came home, I met a little girl on her way home from school. I asked her if she liked her school. She said that she thought it was the best school ever. When I told her I helped build it, she threw her arms around me and thanked me. Yes, grown men can cry too.

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