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Pacific Northwest Geoarea Maps:

LF 2008 "Refresh"

Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) [PDF] [JPG]
Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) [PDF] [JPG]
Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) [PDF] [JPG]
13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM13) [PDF] [JPG]
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM40) [PDF] [JPG]
Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) [PDF] [JPG]
Vegetation Departure (VDep) [PDF] [JPG]
Fuel Loading Models (FLM) [PDF] [JPG]
Fire Regime Groups (FRG) [PDF] [JPG]
Sucession Classes (SClass) [PDF] [JPG]

LF 2001 "Refresh"

Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) [PDF] [JPG]
Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) [PDF] [JPG]
Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) [PDF] [JPG]
13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM13) [PDF] [JPG]
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM40) [PDF] [JPG]
Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) [PDF] [JPG]
Vegetation Departure (VDep) [PDF] [JPG]
Fuel Loading Models (FLM) [PDF] [JPG]
Fire Regime Groups (FRG) [PDF] [JPG]
Sucession Classes (SClass) [PDF] [JPG]

Disturbance 1999-2008

Vegetation Disturbance [PDF] [JPG]

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