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Common Measures

ETA is committed to performance. One way of evaluating and improving performance is to have common performance measures for programs with similar goals. ETA and VETS have worked to define common measures, and as of July 1, 2005, these measures were implemented for the WIA title IB and Wagner-Peyser employment services and VETS programs. The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) programs implemented the common measures on October 1, 2005.
Common Measures
TEGL 17-05, Change 2 The intent of this guidance is to further clarify the application of the literacy/numeracy measure initially provided in Attachment C, Educational Functional Level Descriptors, in Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 17-05, issued February 17, 2006, and to rescind TEGL 17-05, Change 1, issued August 13, 2007. This change TEGL only addresses specific reporting changes for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth literacy/numeracy measure.

TEGL17-05, Change 1 To further clarify the application of the literacy/numeracy measure, initially provided in Attachment C, Educational Functional Level Descriptors, in Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 17-05, issued February 17, 2006. This change TEGL only addresses specific reporting changes for the Youth literacy/numeracy measure. RESCINDED by TEGL 17-05, Change 2

TEGL 17-05 February 17, 2006: This Common Measures Policy for the Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Performance Accountability System and Related Performance Issues replaces the existing guidance with a single unified document. This TEGL rescinds TEGL 7-99; TEGL 6-00; TEGL 6-00 change 1; and TEGL 28-04.

1 Attachment A: Common Measures At-A-Glance Direct Access to Plan
2 Attachment B: Definitions of Key Terms Direct Access to Plan
3 Attachment C: Educational Functioning Level Descriptors Direct Access to Plan
4 Attachment D: WIA Title IB Core Performance Measures for PY 2005 and PY 2006 Direct Access to Plan
5 Attachment E: Federal Job Training and Employment Programs Impacted by Common Measures Direct Access to Plan
Revised Reporting and Recordkeeping Instructions
The collection of information on common performance measures is accomplished through revised reporting requirements for each program implementing the measures.

Final Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

The Employment and Training Administration has received FINAL clearance of revisions to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements: the Workforce Investment Act Information Management System, the Trade Act Participant Reporting System, and the Labor Exchange Reporting System for the Wagner-Peyser Act and the Veterans Employment and Training Service. These reporting systems have been modified to include data elements necessary to assess state progress against a set of common performance measures. Final clearance of the revised reporting requirements enables states to begin reporting outcomes for the common measures at the beginning of Program Year 2005 (WIA, Wagner-Peyser and VETS) and at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2006 (TAA).

Common Measures Q's & A's– February/March 2006

Common Measures Requirements Training Materials – February/March, 2006