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Data Products ›› Disturbance

Disturbance products are developed to help inform updates to LANDFIRE data to reflect change on the landscape caused by management activities and natural disturbance. They are a compilation of data from:

bullet Landsat satellite imagery
bullet Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC)
bullet Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition
after Wildfire (RAVG)
bullet Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS)
bullet LANDFIRE Refresh events
bullet User contributed data
bullet Other ancillary data

Products » Disturbance Data Product Alerts
Disturbance 1999-2008 - provide temporal and spatial information related to landscape change to model vegetation transitions and inform subsequent updates to LANDFIRE vegetation, fuel, and other data
Fuel Disturbance YEAR and Vegetation Disturbance YEAR - composites of Disturbance 1999-2008 recoded by disturbance type, disturbance severity, and time since disturbance to meet fuel and vegetation assignment needs
Public Events Geodatabase - collection of recent natural disturbance and land management activities used to update existing vegetation and fuel layers


The disturbance products allow LANDFIRE products to remain current and relevant. These data are useful in change detection analysis and other analysis that requires up-to-date land cover information.

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