Digital Government Strategy Report for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

2.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy.

Overall Status: completed

2.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach

Paragraph on customer engagement approach: The FERC distributed a survey, through their digital government website, that asked the public to choose the systems they would like open through Web API. Using the survey results, the Digital Government Task Force then prioritized the systems, taking into consideration current and future IT project schedules. The task force made the decision to open the “Decisions and Notices” and eTariff data through Web API by the May23rd. The other systems will be made available based on IT project schedules. The progress of this initiative will be provided through FERC’s digital government website

2.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)

System Name: Decisions and Notices
System Description: Provides a monthly collection of Delegated Orders, Notices, and Commission Decisions from Commission Meetings or Notational Voting arranged by date.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eTariff
System Description: Allows for tariffs, tariff revisions and rate change applications to be filed electronically in the manner prescribed by Order No. 714. The affected regulated entities are: • Public utilities and Power Marketing Administrations under Parts 35 and 300; • Natural gas pipelines under Parts 154 and 284; • Intrastate gas pipelines under Part 284; and • Oil pipelines under Part 341.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eLibrary
System Description: eLibrary is a records information system that contains: 1. Electronic versions of documents issued by FERC from 1989-Present; 2. Documents received and issued by FERC: a. A description of documents from 1981-Present; b. Microfilm and aperture cards of documents for 1981-1995; c. Scanned images of paper documents from 1995-Present; and d. Native files electronically submitted from November 2000-Present
System Scope: both
Main Customer: Public and Commission staff
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eService
System Description: Provides users with official mailing list or service list for a docketed proceeding.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR)
System Description: Allows users to access data submitted by utilities and power marketers. Access is achieved through the following means: 1. Download Spreadsheets - Contract and transaction data by company by quarter in a structure similar to the one used for data import. 2. Summary Reports - Short summaries of each company's EQR filings (beginning Q1 2005) identifying the products they sell, the customers they sell to and the control areas where deliveries are made. 3. Filing Inquiries - EQR data can be retrieved using standard queries which can be customized by the user. 4. Selective Filings Download - Retrieves data on multiple companies and quarters with one request. Processed overnight and sent via email the next day. 5. Download Database - Provides for the download of the full EQR database. It should be used only by advanced users with several gigabytes of disk space.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

7.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use.

Overall Status: completed

7.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach

Paragraph on customer engagement approach: The FERC distributed a survey, through their digital government website, that asked the public to select which services they prefer be made available through mobile technology. Using the survey results, the Digital Government Task Force then prioritized the services, taking into consideration current and future IT project schedules. The task force made the decision to open the “Decisions and Notices” and “What’s New” services using mobile technology by the May23rd. The other services will be made available based on IT project schedules. The progress of this initiative will be provided through FERC’s digital government website

7.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)

System Name: Decisions and Notices
System Description: Provides a monthly collection of Delegated Orders, Notices, and Commission Decisions from Commission Meetings or Notational Voting arranged by date.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: What’s New
System Description: The “What’s New” RSS feed provides news and information details about the events at FERC.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eSubscription
System Description: Users subscribe or ‘sign up’ for specific dockets and are notified via email about future correspondence. Users have immediate access to the correspondence or documents in eLibrary.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eFiling
System Description: Allows users to electronically submit qualified documents to FERC in lieu of paper filings.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public and Commission Staff
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: eRegistration
System Description: eRegistration provides the FERC customer an easy-to-use entry point to do business with all FERC Online applications. Think of eRegistration as a form of membership. By registering, the user will receive a single user id and password that allows them to transact all of their business with FERC. eRegistration is valuable to any person who transacts business with the FERC on behalf of themselves or another organization (e.g. companies or corporations). It provides authentication support to the FERC Online applications that ensures safe and secure transactions, thereby protecting the integrity of your data.
System Scope: both
Main Customer: Public and Commission Staff
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

System Name: Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR)
System Description: Allows all public utilities and power marketers to file EQRs for the most recent calendar quarter. The filings must summarize contractual terms and conditions for: Market-based power sales, Cost-based power sales, and Transmission service.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Public
Unique Investment Identifier: 505-00-01-02-01-1011-00

4.2. Establish an agency-wide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services

Overall Status:
Link to governance document:

4.2.1. Goals

Target completion date:

4.2.3. Set specified agency-wide policies and standards

5.2. Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts

Overall Status:

5.2.1. Develop mobile device inventory

Link to inventory:

5.2.2. Develop wireless service contract inventory

8.2. Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites

Overall Status:

8.2.1. Implement performance measurement tool

Describe Implementation:

8.2.2. Implement customer satisfaction tool

Describe Implementation:

1.2. Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize pages

Overall Status:

1.2.1. Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default

URL of policy:
Describe policy:

1.2.2. Operationalize /developer page

URL of page:

2.2. Make high-value data and content in at least two existing, major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems

Overall Status:

2.2.1. Make 2+ systems (datasets) available via web APIs with metadata tags

2.2.2. Publish plan on future activity

5.3. Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements

Overall Status:
Paragraph on policy:

6.3. Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines

Overall Status:
Paragraph on policy:

7.2. Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services

Overall Status:
URL of plan:

7.2.1. Report on services

Last updated August 23, 2012 at 1:29 pm