About the FAASTeam
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Our Mission
To improve the Nation's aviation safety record by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, and education. At the same time, FAASTeam Managers and Program Managers will establish meaningful aviation industry alliances and encourage continual growth of a positive safety culture within the aviation community.

The FAASTeam logo connotes safety of flight and conveys the concept that the FAASTeam is part of the FAA, implying we are authoritative, and suggests we are approachable by the aviation community.
"As the educational outreach arm of the FAA, the FAASTeam is committed to serving the General Aviation community, and making our skies even safer.
Join the FAASTeam help us make a difference! "
-- Michael L. Costa, National FAA Safety Team Manager
FAASTeam Manager photo
What makes the FAASTeam unique?

FAASTeam Organizational Structure
Each of the eight FAA Flight Standards regions now has a Regional FAASTeam Office dedicated to this unique safety program and managed by the Regional FAASTeam Manager (RFM). Based on the makeup of the aviation community in each region, the RFM has selected a group of FAASTeam Program Managers (FPM) with specific aviation specialties and assigned them to geographic areas of responsibility within the region. FPMs do not report to work where the RFM resides. They are "hosted" at FAA facilities within their assigned geographic area but they still report directly to the RFM.
This structure allows each regional FAASTeam to station employees throughout the region and still remain focused on its plan to reduce accidents.
FAASTeam Process for Planning to Reduce Accidents
The FAASTeam uses more data to decide what should be done to reduce accidents. Each Regional FAASTeam Office develops a business plan based on information compiled by FPMs from each of the region's geographic areas. The data includes:
  • Accident/incident reports involving airmen from the area
  • Hazards identified by FAA Inspectors at local Flight Standards District Offices
  • Information from the local aviation community
Once the data is collected and analyzed, the FPMs develop tasks that they plan to accomplish, with the help of all their FAASTeam Members, in an effort to mitigate future accidents.
FAASTeam Tools
The FAASTeam uses system safety techniques to shift the safety culture. New risk management tools will be created for individual airmen. In addition, a product to deliver safety management system tools to air groups is in the development process.
Relationships with the Aviation Community
The FAASTeam is "teaming" up with individuals and the aviation industry to create a unified effort against accidents and "tip" the safety culture in the right direction.
  • FAASTeam Members
    A FAASTeam Member is anyone who makes a conscious effort to promote aviation safety and become part of the shift in safety culture. To become a member:
    • Sign-up at FAASafety.gov and take part in all it has to offer.
    • Pilots – participate in our new WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program
    • Mechanics – participate in the new automated AMT Awards Program
    • Attend live FAASTeam seminars in your area
  • FAASTeam Representatives
    Aviation safety volunteers that wish to work closely with FAASTeam Program Managers (FPM) to actively promote safety may be designated as FAASTeam Representatives. These volunteers receive training and are supported by the FPM with equipment and materials.
  • FAASTeam Industry Members
    The FAASTeam is in the process of developing guidelines for the establishment of Industry Members. They are companies or associations of people that have a stake in aviation safety. The guidelines will describe how these groups and the FAASTeam can formalize their desires to promote aviation safety together.
We invite you to join the FAASTeam at whatever level is right for you.
Together, as a team, we can make a difference by reducing aviation accidents!