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May 04, 2010


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to upgrade America's bus systems


This will be very good news for the disabled community. Many disabled persons are unable to drive. They must rely on fixed route buses or paratransit to get to and from work. Transit also needs emergency bus operations funding. Several states including California are passing Employment First Policies to move disabled persons out of workshops and into communihty based supported employment jobs. For this to work, we need good transit systems to get people to and from work. We also need good transit systems to make the Clean Air Act work. Best wishes, MIchael E. Bailey.

Transit means bus. And sustainable transit means all-electric buses (electrification). All big cities (i.e. cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants) must have at least one all-electric bus. Regards.

Are these bureaucrats high? Buses serve only 3% of the community in most places! That will not help the disabled, will not help clean the air, will not help reduce traffic. Buses were an ok idea in the 1950s when nobody had a car, now they just clog up the roads and get stuck in traffic right along with the cars and trucks. Buses are worthless.

What the gov't should be spending money on is PRT --Personal Rapid Transit. PRT systems are profitable from the fare sales. Buses are NEVER profitable, forever dependent on federal and state subsidies. FAIL buses. PRT takes you from your starting location to your destination without stopping for anyone else. Buses make you wait for the bus to arrive, take a route that only a crazed lizard would think is reasonable, have a million stops along the way, and all the while belch stinky deadly poison smoke into the air. FAIL Buses.

Personal Rapid Transit is what we should be investing in today. Forget 100 year old technologies! Those are what got us into the problems we are in now. We need new thinking, new solutions. We need PRT.

It sounds expensive, is it? No. PRT costs 1/3rd of what the alternative mass transit options cost! http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/gorancomp.htm

But with so many thousands of smaller taxis in the PRT system it must be much costlier for operation and maintenance expenses? Wrong. PRT is 40% cheaper to maintain and operate that traditional mass transit. (from the same link)

It sounds like pie in the sky; it's impossible, right? Tell that to the people at Heathrow Airport in London, Masdar City and others soon to come. PRT systems are already in operation there.

PRT reduces emissions by 70% if one assumes the current energy generating mix. PRT is cleaner, cheaper, faster, more convenient, and just plain cooler than any mass transit option out there.

Demand PRT for your city!

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