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April 28, 2010


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regional cooperation enhancing livability



Secretary LaHood, you are right on the money... and the bike, the fett, and the environment!

Streets for People is something that Moscow, Idaho, has been working for since Neal Goldschmidt was Secretary of Transportation and I was a very young member of the City COuncil in Moscow! We've done a lot but there is SO MUCH MORE TO DO, with your help and the help of progressive policies for transportation funding.

I will be writing you to invite you to come to Moscow, Idaho, to let you see what some federal money has helped with and what projects stand ready to go, including citizen donations, but cannot quite get into real project status because of our city's financial situation... My personal favorite is the Third Street Pedestrian/Bike/Handicapped Access bridge whose construction would end the idea of punching through an arterial where such action would destroy the livability of several neighborhoods by creating a traffic funnel through Moscow's most historic neighbohood. Our Paradise Path group, a city committee, has worked hard to build in livability to Moscow neighborhoods through connections and urban park opportunitites connected to pedestrian, cycle and related connections.

Keep up the grand work, Mr. Secretary! Well done!

Linda Pall
18 year city council veteran
Moscow, Idaho

Linda Pall can't spell "feet" in the first line... or her fingers can't. Sorry about that. - Linda

This is a great example of the promise of what can be done. It is also a good place to test new ideas in transportation information technology. There could be an urban intelligent transport systems platform created that would support development and establishment of common and user oriented ITS solutions. This could include a multimodal approach for urban regions taking into account the interfaces between urban and interurban transportation systems. This would be a big boost tp public transit. There could also be included open interface data sharing among transit systems, local initiatives developed in an open interface structure, integrated ticketing, and electronic fare management. All of this leading to and promoting greater cross county and cross regional transit cooperation. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

This is a great example of the promise of what can be done. It is also a good place to test new ideas in transportation information technology. There could be an urban intelligent transport systems platform created that would support development and establishment of common and user oriented ITS solutions. This could include a multimodal approach for urban regions taking into account the interfaces between urban and interurban transportation systems. This would be a big boost tp public transit. There could also be included open interface data sharing among transit systems, local initiatives developed in an open interface structure, integrated ticketing, and electronic fare management. All of this leading to and promoting greater cross county and cross regional transit cooperation.

Good event. I hope they can improve people's life.

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