U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

American Recovery & Reinvestment ActAmerican Recovery & Reinvestment Act

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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or "Recovery Act," awarded the Office of Energy Efficiency (EERE) $16.8 billion for its programs and initiatives. This site details EERE's funding and how it is being spent, while providing advice for organizations that are applying for or presently receiving Recovery Act funding.

Stylistic Recovery Act logo, consisting of an outline of a blue circle. The interior of the circle is divided into 3 parts: a blue semi-circle on top, a green half semi-circle on the bottom left, and a maroon half semi-circle on the bottom right. The blue semi-circle contains white stars and the text "RECOVERY.GOV" with a link to that Web site. The green half semi-circle has a white flower in it. The maroon half semi-circle has white gears in it.

A more detailed description of the act and how its funding is being spent can be seen on the Recovery.gov.

Find more information about:

To see how the Department of Energy is using all of its Recovery Act funding, see the U.S. Department of Energy's Recovery Act Web site.

Recovery Act-Funded Projects

For information about how Recovery Act funding is being spent in each individual state, see the U.S. Department of Energy's state map.

The funding numbers listed on this Web site are subject to negotiation and may have changed.

Energy Efficiency Projects

These are the funds that have been made available for EERE's energy efficiency research, development, and outreach projects.

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Renewable Energy Projects

These are the funds that were allotted to EERE's renewable energy research, development, and outreach programs.

Crosscutting Energy Projects

Project Funding
Community Renewable Energy Deployment $21.23 million


Project Funding
Advanced Biofuels Research and Fueling Infrastructure $106.89 million
Advanced Biorefinery Projects $591.14 million

Geothermal Technologies

Project Funding
Geothermal Energy Projects $368.24 million

Fuel Cells

Project Funding
Fuel Cell Market Transformation $41.55 million

Solar Energy

Project Funding
Concentrating Solar Power $24.13 million
High-Penetration Solar Deployment $42.05 million
Photovoltaic Systems Development $50.67 million

Water Power

Project Funding
Hydropower Infrastructure $30.63 million

Wind Energy

Project Funding
Wind Turbine Design Facility $44.56 million
University Wind Energy Research Facilities $22.98 million
Wind Technology Development (28 projects) $16.2 million
Massachusetts Wind Blade Testing Center $24.75 million
NREL National Wind Technology Center $9.95 million

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Tax Credits, Grants, and Rebates

Several sections of the Recovery Act provide funding for tax credits, grants, or rebates.

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National Laboratories

The following EERE Recovery Act funding was allotted to DOE's national laboratories.

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Content Last Updated: 07/02/2012