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13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models

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These original 13 standard fire behavior fuel models serve as input to Rothermel's mathematical surface fire behavior and spread model. The 13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM13) layer represents distinct distributions of fuel loading found among surface fuel components (live and dead), size classes, and fuel types. The fuel models are described by the most common fire-carrying fuel type (grass, brush, timber litter, or slash), loading and surface area-to-volume ratio by size class and component, fuelbed depth, and moisture of extinction.

FBFM13 was produced through a series of workshops held across the nation with fire and fuels specialists to determine surface fuel model rule sets using unique combinations of existing vegetation type, cover, and height. The resultant spatial arrangement of surface fuel models are known as the calibrated FBFM13 layer.

The FBFM13 layer can serve as input to wildland fire prediction models.

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