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After the Exam
After the initial exam, your file will be reviewed at DoDMERB. They will find you either Meet Standards, are in a Remedial status, or Do Not Meet Standards. You can check your medical status on the DoDMERB website.

If you are in a Remedial status, DoDMERB will request additional tests, exams or information to answer any questions they have. You should comply with any requests immediately. After receiving your additional information, DoDMERB will again review your file. 

If you Do Not Meet Standards, the Academy will automatically consider you for a waiver. Do not send waiver requests to the Academy. Waivers are granted on a limited basis and with the best interest of the Coast Guard in mind. We will notify you of our waiver decision in writing as soon as the review process is complete. New waiver cases are not normally considered after May 1. 

If you are injured or hospitalized after your initial exam, or if you failed to report any medical conditions during your exam, you should contact DoDMERB immediately. Failure to disclose pre-existing disqualifying conditions can be grounds for separation from the Academy. All incoming cadets must pass another medical exam shortly after reporting to the Academy.