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DOJ - GSA OIG Joint Recovery Act Fraud Awareness Briefing

The GSA Office of Inspector General and the Department of Justice teamed up to provide GSA Associates a fraud awareness briefing. DOJ's presentation "The Recovery Act: Understanding, Detecting, and Reporting Antitrust Violations" focused on the Sherman Act and the M.A.P.S. (Market, Application, Patterns, and Suspicious Behavior) tool for detecting collusion. The GSA Office of Inspector General's presentation, "Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the Recovery Act" focuses on how to detect and report various contract fraud indicators such as product substitution, bribery, false claims, etc.

PowerPoint presentations can be accessed on the links below.

   The Recovery Act: Understanding, Detecting & Reporting Antitrust Violations

   Recovery Act Fraud Awareness Presentation

Construction Claims in the ARRA Environment

The Construction Contract Review Course discusses key contract clauses and the types of construction claims or proposals.

Using Advanced Computer Technology to Identify and Investigate Recovery Act Fraud

Course Description:

Fight Recovery Act fraud with the latest in forensic auditing techniques. Examine methods that have proven to be of value in recognizing patterns and making predictions for fraud detection in 15 Government databases. This training will help you develop a competitive edge in your agency's fight against fraud by developing and using computer technology to search for false vendors, patterns of unusual activity, suspicious credit card use, etc. Training will focus on the techniques to identify potential fraud in Government contracting and construction. This training will include hands-on case studies to identify fraud indicators within sample databases. Attendees are expected to bring laptops. Training software and materials will be provided.

Presenter: Dr. Conan C. Albrecht, Assistant Professor and Rollins Fellow at the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. Dr. Albrecht researches computer-related fraud detection, collaborative computing, peer to peer architectures and network programming.
Target Audience: Government Auditors and Investigators overseeing Recovery Act expenditures.
Dates: November 17 and 18, 2009.

The following presentations can be accessed by clicking on the respective link.

   Background - Continuous Fraud Monitoring

   Background - Fraud Introduction

   Background - Six Step Approach

   Data Analysis - Analysis Techniques

   Data Analysis - Technology Foundations

   Data Analysis - Tools and Applications

   Forensics - Email Analysis

   Forensics - Online Database Queries

GSA-OIG: Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the Recovery Act

by Geoffery Cherrington, Deputy Assistant IG for Investigations.

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The Recovery Act: Understanding, Detecting & Reporting Antitrust Violations

by John Terzaken, Assistant Chief, US DOJ, Antitrust Division, Nat'l Criminal Enforcement Section.

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