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The report, Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply (generally referred to as the Billion-Ton Study or 2005 BTS) complete report ~2.8 MB, was an estimate of potential biomass available within the contiguous United States based on assumptions about current and future inventory production capacity, availability, and technology. This follow-up report, U.S. Billion-Ton Update: Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry (generally referred to as the 2011 BT2) complete report ~7.3 MB, expands on the 2005 BTS to include:

  • A spatial, county-by-county inventory of potentially available primary feedstocks
  • Price and available quantities (e.g., supply curves) for the individual feedstocks
  • A more rigorous treatment and modeling of resource sustainability.


Please read the Billion-Ton Update Disclaimer before using this data.

Errors in the printed version of the U.S. Billion-Ton Update are now corrected in the online PDF of the report linked on this page. View the errata document to see changes made.


The Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (Bioenergy KDF) allows for complete access to the BT2 Data. Within the Bioenergy KDF, users can:

  • explore county- and state-level data within the Data Map Interface
  • download selected crop data for multiple years in a spreadsheet
  • access the complete Billion-Ton Update data files

Data Explorer

In the 2011 Billion-Ton Update (BT2) Data Explorer, users can examine the results of biomass supply analyses described in the 2011 BT2. Projected biomass supplies can be explored by resource type as modeled by feedstock price or yield scenario. The Data Explorer can be accessed by clicking the Data Map link in the top navigation area. Then select the Billion-Ton Data Explorer Tools icon. Follow the steps in the wizard interface and a new BT2 Layer will be added to the map. These layers can be queried like any other layer within the Data Map. More information about the Data Explorer can be found in the Tools & Apps Section.

Billion-Ton Update Aggregate Scenarios

In correlation with BT2, predefined data aggregations have been incorporated into the Bioenergy KDF. Each scenario provides access to data aggregations for scenarios with the selected years of 2017, 2022, and 2030. This information can be accessed by searching for "BT2" or going to the KDF Tools & Apps area
Aggregation Descriptions

  • Energy Crops by State: For the Baseline and High yield Scenario - 3% Increase Energy Crop Yield Growth scenarios, all non-conventional crop resources were aggregated atthe state level for an Established Feedstock Market Price of $60.
  • Energy Crops by County: For the Baseline and High yield Scenario - 3% Increase Energy Crop Yield Growth scenarios, all non-conventional crop resources were aggregated at the county level for an Established Feedstock Market Price of $60.
  • Secondary Resources by State: For each state, Secondary Resources were summed.
  • Primary Herbaceous Crops by County: All herbaceous (non-woody), non-conventional crops were aggregated at the county-level for the Baseline and High-yield 3% scenarios.
  • Primary Woody Crops by County: All Woody Energy Crops and Forest Resources were aggregated for the Baseline and 3% High-yield scenarios.


Data Download Tool

The 2011 Billion-Ton Study Data Download Tool allows users access to a subset of the BT2 raw data. The Download Tools follows a similar wizard interface to the data explorer tool, but can only be accessed from the KDF Tools & Apps Section. Once the query has been made, the user is presented with a spreadsheet for easy access to data across all prices for desired years and resource types.

BT2 Collaboration Discussion

To help facilitate collaboration, discussion, and feedback about the BT2 data, several topics have been created in the Bioenergy KDF Collaboration Area:

  • Primary Agriculture: For Discussions on Energy Feedstocks, Crop Residue, and Conventional Crop data found in the Billion-Ton.
  • Forest Resources: Collaborate about Forest Resource collection processes and data.
  • Secondary Resources: Exchange information regarding Secondary Resources and their impact on National Biomass Resources
  • Ask Billion-Ton Expert:Unlike the other forums, anyone (including unregistered users) can ask questions and make comments that will be reviewed by Billion-Ton Experts and compiled into Frequently Asked Questions Post.


Complete Data Download

The complete datasets from the BT2 can be downloaded from the following links (User Account Required):

Metadata        md5    SHA-256

Supplement Data

Supplement datasets from the BT2 can be downloaded from the following links (User Account Required):

DOE's Office of Biomass Programs conducted a webinar about the Billion-Ton Update report and how to access the data via the Bioenergy KDF. Click here to watch videos about the report and to see the data explorer in action.

Have questions about the BT2 Report? The Billion-Ton Update Authors have been preparing a "Frequently Asked Questions" section based on feedback since the report's release. Please click here to find out more.