Business/consumer credit

Automobile Finance Terms
This report collects information from lenders affiliated with automobile manufacturers on loans related to purchases of new and used vehicles. The reports are photocopies of internal company management reports.

Passenger Auto Contract Collection Trends
This report collects monthly information from lenders affiliated with automobile manufacturers on the performance of vehicle loans, including delinquency rates, refinancings, and repossessions.

Survey of Terms of Business Lending/Prime Rate Supplement
The FR 2028A collects information on commercial and industrial (C&I) loans made by commercial banks and U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks to domestic customers during a representative week of the quarter, including price and nonprice terms. The respondents provide information on stated rate of interest, frequency of interest compounding, loan size, maturity, collateralization, and loan risk ratings. The FR 2028S, a companion report, collects institutions' prime interest rates for the days reported. Together with the Survey of Terms of Bank Lending to Farmers (FR 2028B), these reports constitute the Survey of Terms of Lending (STBL) report series.

Survey of Terms of Bank Lending to Farmers/Prime Rate Supplement
The FR 2028B collects information on farm loans made by commercial banks during a representative week. The collected data include price and nonprice terms. The respondents provide information on the stated rate of interest on the loan and the frequency with which interest is compounded, and other important loan terms, including loan size, commitment status, maturity, collateralization, the purpose of the loan and loan risk ratings. The FR 2028S, a companion report, collects institutions' prime interest rate for the days reported. Together with the Survey of Terms of Business Lending (FR 2028A), these reports constitute the Survey of Terms of Lending (STBL) report series.

Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities
This report collects balance sheet and, where appropriate, off-balance-sheet data on major categories of consumer and business credit receivables and on major short-term liabilities held or securitized by finance companies. For quarter-end months (March, June, September, and December) additional asset and liability items are collected to provide a full balance sheet.

Auto Finance Company Report
This report collects monthly data on loans related to purchases of new and used vehicles, as well as on the performance of vehicle loans, including delinquency rates, refinancing and repossessions. Data are collected from finance companies with significant participation in the vehicle loan market.

Report of Terms of Credit Card Plans
This report collects information on terms offered by the largest issuers of bank credit cards in the nation. The respondents submit information on the pricing and fees of available third-party credit card plans.

Quarterly Report of Interest Rates on Selected Direct Consumer Installment Loans
This report collects interest rate information on consumer installment loans for new automobiles and on loans for other consumer goods and personal expenditures.

Quarterly Report of Credit Card Interest Rates
This report collects information on two measures of credit card interest rates. One measure is the average nominal finance rate for all accounts. The other -- average computed interest rates -- is derived from two items: total finance charges assessed to cardholders during the period and the total of balances on which the finance charges were determined. Also, the reporting form asks for total number of accounts and total balances for all accounts.

Finance Company Questionnaire
This report is a two-stage survey of finance and mortgage companies. The first stage is a simple questionnaire (FR 3033p) that is sent to all known domestic finance and mortgage companies and that asks for information about each company's total net assets, areas of specialization, and other characteristics. From the questionnaire respondents, the Federal Reserve draws a stratified random sample of finance and mortgage companies for the second stage, the survey itself (FR 3033s). The survey requests detailed information from both sides of the respondents' balance sheets. The Board initiates data collection and analysis, and staff at the Federal Reserve Banks follow up on data quality issues, collect data from late FR 3033s, and resolve other outstanding questions.

Last update: September 8, 2007