Kia Rio

SubcCompact Car

Cadillac CT6

Premium Large Car

Acura RDX

Premium Compact Crossover

Honda Accord

Midsize Car

Ford Mustang

Sporty/Performance Car

Ram 1500

Large Pickup

Consumer Guide Automotive

At Consumer Guide® Automotive, we strive to make the complicated car-buying experience less daunting, all while helping you pick out the vehicle that’s best for you. As such, we hope you find this website to be the fastest and easiest way to begin the search for your next new or used vehicle.

As always, links in our reviews take you to in-depth test drives of specific models; be sure and check those out.

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Since 1967, Consumer Guide® has published authoritative, objective reviews of new and used cars and trucks. Our editors provide professional, unbiased evaluations of nearly every new and used vehicle available, as well as expert shopping advice and insightful automotive editorials. Consumer Guide® is based in the Chicago suburb of Morton Grove, IL.