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GHI Country Strategy
Map of Honduras The overarching Global Health Initiative (GHI) country goal in Honduras is to improve the health status of underserved and vulnerable populations. Under GHI, U.S. agencies in Honduras will increase their implementation of complementary and collaborative programs, creating linkages outside of the traditional health sphere into other sectors such as food security, democracy and governance, education, and community interaction with local governments.

Honduras’ National Health Plan 2010–2014 identifies three areas for urgent and necessary change: accelerated increase in access to quality health services; increased well-being and health of the population through the reduction of maternal and child mortality; and modification of the structure, functioning, and response of the current health system.

The two focus areas leading to the achievement of the above goals are:

  1. Increasing access to quality essential services for underserved and vulnerable populations
  2. Improving stewardship and responsiveness of the health system

GHI Principles in Action
The range of activities currently supported by the U.S. Government include health systems and services strengthening; HIV/AIDS prevention; maternal and child health and nutrition; family planning; disease surveillance, prevention, detection, and control; and human resource and laboratory capacity building.

For information on planned funding, please visit the country page.

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