Indian Affairs | OIG

Office of Indian Gaming (OIG)

The Office of Indian Gaming, under the supervision of the Deputy Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Economic Development and Policy, is responsible for implementing those gaming-related activities assigned to the Bureau of Indian Affairs by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and other Federal laws. The office develops policies and procedures for review and approval of: tribal/state compacts; per capita distributions of gaming revenues; and requests to take land into trust for purpose of conducting gaming. Work is coordinated with the National Indian Gaming Commission and with state, local, and tribal governments that may be impacted by gaming proposals.


Ione Band of Miwok Indians and Record of Decision - May 24, 2012 - pdf 17,188 kb

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians - May 25, 2012 - pdf 5,127 kb 

Cayuga Nation of New York Application Factsheet - December 20, 2011 - pdf 20 kb

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Determination Factsheet - December 20, 2011 - pdf 30 kb

Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - September 1, 2011 - pdf 8.45 mb

North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California - September 1, 2011 - pdf  13.6 mb

Pueblo of Jemez, New Mexico - September 1, 2011 - pdf 7.8 mb

Guidiville Band of Pomo Indians of California - Septembe 1, 2011 - pdf 5.94 mb

Decision on Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Mohican Indians, WI 

Letter to Governor Cuomo, State of New York- February 18, 2011 - pdf
Letter to President Vele, Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Mohican Indians - February 18, 2011 - pdf

Review of the "Current Guidelines and Regulatory Standards" for Taking Land into Trust for Gaming Purposes

On July 18, 2010, secretary Salazar isssued a directive recommending a thorough review of the "current guidance and regulatory standards" used to make decisions for two-part determination under Section 20(b)(1)(A) of IGRA, 25 U.S.C. 2719(b)(1)(A). In accordance with the Secretary's directive, and in keeping with Interior's commitment to government-to-government consultation, we are engaging tribal governments on (1) the January 3, 2008 Memorandum regarding Guidance on Taking Off-Reservation Land-into-Trust for Gaming Purposes; (2) the need to revise any of the provisions of 25 C.F.R. 292, Subpart A and Subpart C, and (3) whether the Department's process of requiring compliance with 25 C.F.R. Part 151 comes before or after the two-part determination.  Click here for entire Tribal Leader Letter & Schedule.

Memorandum from Secretary Ken Salazar in regard to Decisions on Indian Gaming Applications submitted by tribes for the taking of land-into-trust for the purpose of gaming. - June 18, 2010.  To download the memorandum click here.

Letter to tribal leaders regarding submission of class III tribal-state gaming compacts and compact amendments to DOI:
Download the letter informing them of the AS-IA’s intent to formalize the submission process through rulemaking, dated January 18, 2008. (.pdf)- 53 KB

G2G Consultation on Indian Gaming:
Information on government-to-government consultation meetings on proposed regulations amending existing regulations in 25 CFR Part 290, which establish criteria for implementing Section 11(b)(3)(B) of IGRA, and other gaming-related subjects:

Land-into-Trust for Purpose of Gaming Applications