NOAA Arctic Theme Page

The Arctic is a vast, ice-covered ocean, surrounded by tree-less, frozen ground, that teems with life, including organisms living in the ice, fish and marine mammals, birds, land animals and human societies.

NOAA provides Arctic information and a set of reputable indicators that describe the present state of the Arctic ecosystem and climate.

Notice - European European Geosciences Union (EGU) Session CL2.3 Arctic climate change: governing mechanisms and global implication Abstract Submission (09 January 2013).

Sea Ice Extent: a report from the NOAA sea ice community

Image mosaic of Arctic storm
Image of the Season: NASA/MODIS satellite image shows a massive low-pressure center spinning across the central Arctic Ocean on August 5, 2012. Canada and Alaska are located to the left, with Europe and Russia to the right. (Image courtesy NASA Earth Observatory.)

New & Updated

New! Memorandum of Agreement MOA-2011-080 | Annex 1 | Annex 2
Arctic Report Card 2012
2012 RUSALCA Cruise
2012 Sea Ice Outlook & Walrus Outlook - from SEARCH/ARCUS
2012 North Pole Web Cam images & animations
YouTube logosArctic Videos

Notices   NOAA's Arctic Vision and Strategy
Arctic Wave Glider
Future of Arctic Climate and Global Impacts & Warm Arctic - Cold Continents
NASA IceBridge Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Thickness Quick Look data set
Frostbytes: short Arctic YouTube videos by the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
Summer sea ice transition 2002-present - spring thaw, summer melt ponds, freeze-up (updated in autumn)
RUSALCA - Russian-American Long-term Census of the Arctic - 2012 Cruise New!
Near-realtime Arctic Change Detection
Arctic Environmental Atlas - Russian language
 NOAA Sea Ice Forecasting Workshop Summary, 19-21 Sept 2011, Anchorage, AK
Programs & Projects   OAR Arctic Research home page
Synthesis of Arctic Research (SOAR)
Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) - linking Physics & Biology
Arctic Weather Support - National Weather Service
Tiksi Arctic Observatory - a US, Russian, and Finnish partnership
Tiksi International Hydrometeorological Observatory - Status report Feb 2012
International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA) | Click for the IASOA newsletter
PAG - Pacific Arctic Group
Arctic Research Program Office- NOAA's focal point for Arctic Observations
International Polar Year | First IPY in 1881-1884
Sea Ice Forecasting Workshop - September 2011
Bering Strait and Pacific Arctic Dynamics - University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory

This Arctic Theme Page provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and information for scientists, students, teachers, academia, managers, decision makers and the general public.

The Arctic
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