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Title: Helicopter logging productivity on harvesting operations in southeast Alaska, using ecologically based silvicultural prescriptions.
Author(s): Christian, L.; Brackley, A.
Date: 2007
Source: Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 22(2): 142–147
Description: This study examines production rates and costs for felling and helicopter yarding on eight units harvested in accordance with ecologically based silvicultural prescriptions. The units represent five levels of basal area retention. The levels of retention had irregular spatial arrangements caused by gaps and clumps that ranged from 0 percent retention (clearcut) to 75 percent of basal area retained. Turn time, as adjusted to a standardized distance, and turn weight were used as measures of productivity. There were statistically significant differences in adjusted turn time, depending on the treatment. Areas with higher levels of removal tended to have lower adjusted turn times. Average weighted cost per thousand board feet (mbf) harvested was $322. Regardless of differences in turn time or lifted weight, helicopter logging is an expensive method of harvesting timber and should only be applied to areas that support stands with significant volumes of high-quality timber.
Keywords: logging costs, partial cut, yarding, Tongass
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Christian, L.; Brackley, A.  2007.  Helicopter logging productivity on harvesting operations in southeast Alaska, using ecologically based silvicultural prescriptions..   Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 22(2): 142–147

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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