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Federal Election Commission



Rulemaking Archive

As of February 17, 2011, this page is no longer being updated. To search and comment upon FEC Rulemakings, please go to Searchable Electronic Rulemaking System.

Historical documents relating to the following past Commission rulemakings (through 2009) are available on this page:

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
2003 2002 2001 2000 1999  



































Notices of Proposed Rulemaking and Explanations and Justifications published from 1995 are available through the Federal Register's website. Click here to access all FEC Federal Register notices containing Final Rules and Explanation and Justifications.

Use of Campaign Funds for Non-Commercial Travel (HLOGA)


Reorganization of National Voter Registration Act Regulations (2009)


Candidate Debates (2009)


Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustments (2009)


Disclosure of Bundled Contributions by Lobbyists/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs (HLOGA)



Repeal of Millionaires' Amendment Regulations (2008)

Extension of Administrative Fines Program (2008)


Electioneering Communications (2007)


Federal Election Activity and Nonfederal Elections (2007)


Use of Campaign Funds for Nonfederal Donations and Any Lawful Purpose (2007)

Best Efforts in Administrative Fines Challenges (2007)


Political Committee Status



Increase in the Amount Limit for Authorized Committees Contributing to Authorized Committees of Other Candidates


Exception for Grassroots Lobbying from Electioneering Communications



Coordinated Communications



The Internet: Definitions of "Public Communication" and "Generic Campaign Activity" and Disclaimers


Definitions of "Solicit" and "Direct"


Definition of Federal Election Activity


Definition of Agent for BCRA Regulations on Coordinated and Independent Expenditures and Non-Federal Funds or Soft Money

Electioneering Communications 2005


Extension of Administrative Fines Program (2005)


State Party Payment of Salaries and Wages


De Minimis Exception for the Disbursement of Levin Funds by State, District and Local Party Committees

Payroll Deduction Contributions to a Trade Association's Separate Segregated Fund



Candidate Solicitation at State, District and Local Party Fundraising Events

Inflation Adjustments for Civil Penalties

Filing Documents by Priority Mail, Express Mail, and Overnight Delivery Service

Political Party Committees Donating Funds to Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations and Political Committees

Contributions and Donations by Minors

Technical Amendments to BCRA Regulations

Political Committee Status 2004

Coordinated v. Independent Expenditures

Inaugural Committee Reporting and Prohibition on Accepting Foreign National Donations


Extension of Administrative Fines Program (2004)


Mailing Lists of Political Committees


Party Committee Telephone Banks


Candidate Travel


Multicandidate Committees and Biennial Contribution Limits


Increased Contribution and Coordinated Party Expenditure Limits for Candidates Opposing Self-Financed Candidates (a.k.a. Millionaires' Amendment)


Leadership PACs



Public Financing of Presidential Candidates and Conventions


BCRA Technical Amendments


Consolidated Reporting


Coordinated and Independent Expenditures

Disclaimers, Fraudulent Solicitation, Civil Penalties, and Personal Use of Campaign Funds


Contribution Limitations and Prohibitions

NOTE: There was no public hearing on October 3, 2002.


Electioneering Communications 2002


Prohibited and Excessive Contributions: Non-Federal Funds or Soft Money


Reorganization of 11 CFR 100.7 and 100.8


Administrative Fines


Use of the Internet for Campaign Activity (1999-2002)


Brokerage Loans and Lines of Credit


Independent Expenditure Reporting


Definition of Political Committee

NOTE: As of September 27, 2001, this rulemaking was held in abeyance.


General Public Political Communications Coordinated with Candidates and Party Committees; Independent Expenditures


Election Cycle Reporting by Authorized Committees


Mandatory Electronic Filing


Administrative Fines


Reporting by Political Action Committees


Voting Records and Voter Guides